Hey there !


Well-known member
Hi people, I know some may remember me but if you don't hi anyways, haven't been on here for so long so might as well give you an update if ya don't already know me, got my 24th birthday coming up which I'm dreadding but there you go, none of us wanna get older. The biggest change in my life is that I passed my driving test a couple months ago and wow what a lifestyle change it's given me, can go anywhere I wanna go whenever plus the thought of being lonely don't matter in this situation as its something I enjoy while going solo for now. haven't found a partner as of yet but am in no rush plus wanna change of job which I'm currently sorting at the moment.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies everyone yes MarionBerry and cowboyup the freedom it's given me is just the boost I needed in life to make me feel happy and proud with myself and how precious life means to me now :)


Congrats on getting your driver's license. I recently managed to persuade my brother who is now 20 to finally take his exam. He didn't want to take it because he believed that it is useless but it really comes in handy whenever you want to go somewhere. I drive to the gym everyday and if I didn't have my license I would have probably stayed at home all day instead.