

Well-known member
I have to get out of this abusive relationship, theirs no love for years, i know the last time we had sex was when she was pregnant with my 19 month old daughter. their is no affection only hate for a long time,

every time i do something i just get critisised and run down, although she will say thats all i do to her, as i dont support her mental illness.

she has obsessive compulsive disorder, with hording and cluttering, which means she will get what ever she can and scatter it everywhere in clutter, garbage, etc what ever she can get,

this is come about since she got pregnant, and its unstopable,

i was on hollidays for a few weeks, so i cleaned out a tin shed i use to store things in, which had atleast two dozen unopened moving boxes, i went through each of these, and into the trailer and took them to the dump, some boxes were just filled with old make up, new avon stuff still in packets, one box was entirly wooden shapes. with other htings like her highschool art books, which was mostly just blank paper, she went totally off her head at me over doing this, i told her i would throw them out if she didnt go through them, which she ignored me, so after 3 years, i finally did it.

in retaliation she has trashed the entire house from top to bottom, food, bottles, books, what ever she has is scatered from one end of the house to the other, dishes thrown everywhere with food going rancid. shes managed to do this with in 3 days of me going back to my 12 hour shift work.

i really have to get out, shes put us into so much debt by her constant buying, maxing credit cards out, spending every cent we have, shes never worked in the 10 years we have been together, only me,

what would happen, if i left, i dont want to loose my daughter upmost, i dont think shes safe even here now, neverloan what would happen if she was living alone with the slob. would she get custody of my daughter, would she get all our property,the house, the car all the stuff we own. i fear i will end up with nothing out of it.



Well-known member
i also worry my 10 year career, she would try and destroy, appart from the fact that i do shift work over night, im unsure if i did get full custody of my daughter, how i would manage. i also have to think about providing a decent quality life to my daughter.. should i wait until shes at a stage she can look after her self?


Well-known member
well yesterday we tried our first couples counselling, im not sure this is even going to do anything, but i guess we have to try, as im pretty much got my bags packed.
Do you think maybe she needs help and not you? That you getting out of the relationship isn't the answer, maybe her getting therapy, CBT, medication, something...
She doesn't want to be that way. Have you read any books or anything to try and understand how she feels? It's understandable that there's no way anyone who doesn't have anxiety could comprehend it, and she probably can't explain it herself, but books about anxiety often have a section for those close to the anxious person. Maybe you could try reading a book about her OCD or something?
I hope you keep going to the counselling. It sounds like her OCD is controlling her life, and she needs help to get herself and her life back, without it being controlled by her anxiety.
Good luck :)


Well-known member
She sounds annoying. If you divorce her, considering how she doesn't have a job, you'll probably get custody.

kayelle: he's been married for ten years; you'd guess he's already tried to help her.


Well-known member
If she has OCD and is a hoarder, you might be able to get custody. But that aside, I think that as much as you hate her right now you need to think about her needs. You do have a child with her, and whether you like it or not she will always be a part of your life. You should mention therapy to her if she isn't in it already. Maybe mention to her that you need your own space, and suggest that you move out for a while but tell her that you will still support her and always be there for her. I think that divorcing her suddenly would not be the best option for anyone, and you need to take baby steps if you feel like this is what you need to do. Good luck


Well-known member
well yesterday we tried our first couples counselling, im not sure this is even going to do anything, but i guess we have to try, as im pretty much got my bags packed.

If counseling doesn't work, stop putting yourself through hell man, end that horrible marriage. If you repeat what you said in this thread to a lawyer, you will definitely get custody. I'm just amazed that you lasted so long:eek:


Well-known member
read lots of books, tried to get her help,shes currently trying a few more things, a psycologist finally, more medications etc.

ive been supporting her and trying to help her for many years, as i said, since the birth of our child its just become impossible to survive here anymore. its killed me, and theirs nothing left inside of me to give anymore.


Well-known member
I think you really need some psichiatrist help for being with her for so long ,NO SERIOUSLY , I am tellin you this because you can't be with somebody like this unless you are a 'little' sick.


Well-known member
i think your right. i keep questioning why im here, i think im hoping that the couples counsellign will help, not to save the marrage, but to end it