I totally agree, I havent had a real life friend in 8 yrs, in school there were just ppl that sat next to me or said hi. Since I left school I've been completely friendless, thats been almost 6 yrs now. When I'm in chat rooms and see ppl chatting, even if they dont know each other, they still have stuff in common, usually I only chime in with a horrible joke. Ive been an outsider for so long, I have no life experiences, everything I know is from tv or the internet. I cant talk about relationships, jobs, college, I am virtually clueless. Everytime I add someone on msn, it usually goes south in a week or tow because I have nothing to say except, 'hi, hows it going?' , at this point ppl stay on invisible so I wont bother them. I;m getting to the point where even being online isnt helping anymore, I'm just a shell of a person, I have nothing to give, nothing to offer.