Help with senior exit interview?

So I'm supposed to do my senior exit interview this Friday and I'm really nervous about it. I can barely talk to the staff and other students at my school and now I am expected to somehow get through an entire interview with a group of authority figures.
And I'm really afraid that I will trip over my words, blush, or start shaking.
I've never been through an interview before because I haven't had a job because of my SA.
I'm just to the point where I really don't know what to do.
Oh and I have to do my interview because otherwise I won't be able to graduate.
Any advice, please?

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Does the rules or whatever guidelines they follow explicitly say that you must speak? If not, then just don't say anything.. Not in the rules, they can't hold it against you.. I don't know what a senior interview is, so I'm probably not the best source of information..


Well-known member
Unfortunately, it's just one of those things that you have to grit your teeth and get through. They are not going to be judging you based on how well you speak, so I wouldn't worry about that part of it. As long as you can form enough coherent sentences to prove that you have learned something along the way, I'm sure they will be satisfied. They can't very well refuse to let you graduate if you have passing grades and enough credits, so just show up and do what you can!
The interview is like where I have to present my portfolio and talk about my career choice and all that. I know it doesn't sound like something to be anxious about, but I'm really terrified.
Yeah, if I don't speak at all I will definitely fail. Thanks anyway though :)

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I never had that, if I had that I would not have showed up.. I have a bad way of dealing with things like this.. If I feel too anxious, I hide from it and hope it goes away. I didn't go to drill because of my anxiety.. If you go and you feel too anxious, you can always write things down? When I registered for classes I always was unable to speak and just wrote things down.
Yeah, I've seriously thought about not showing up. But if I don't then I won't be able to graduate. I usually just don't show up to presentations and other things like this but I don't have that option this time. I usually hide from it and hope it goes away like you said. But I guess I can try to write things down and see if it works.
Unfortunately, it's just one of those things that you have to grit your teeth and get through. They are not going to be judging you based on how well you speak, so I wouldn't worry about that part of it. As long as you can form enough coherent sentences to prove that you have learned something along the way, I'm sure they will be satisfied. They can't very well refuse to let you graduate if you have passing grades and enough credits, so just show up and do what you can!
Yeah I think you are right. I just have to give it my best shot and hope for the best. They can't fail me if I try my hardest.
Thanks for the advice :)