help with fitness


Well-known member
ive recently well about an hour ago decided im going to try get fit and build myself up a bit as im increcibly skinny and really un-fit. i also beleive it may help me mentally aswell.

last year my lung collapsed and the hospital couldnt inflate it propally so i cant do too much otherwise i get horrible pains and have trouble breathing. i dont want to have a collapsed lung again...such a weird and horrible feeling when they try inflate your lung using a large needle in the chest.

im just wandering what someone who exercises often would suggest what is best for me to start myself off while pushing my self a bit but not so much i hurt myself.

i just did this small routine:
10 push ups
55 sit ups
10 push ups

after that i feel pretty shattered but feel pretty hyped too, i kinda wanna go jogging but its late and if i go jogging round my neighbour hood at this time il probally get arrested :D

i dont have any weights at the moment and i dont like gyms so i want to start with push ups, sit ups and jogging.
i would like to be able to do pull ups aswell but there hard, even when i was healthy i could barely do them propally. i will be getting some weights soon, probally just some dumbells at first then il save and get a weights bench.

so i want a small routine at first but slowly build up so my body and lungs can get used to it.

im happy doing the push ups and sit ups i do for now but my questions are:

how long should i go jogging for?

should i do this only once a day or try do it twice? (morning and evening)

and how long should i stick to this routine before changing the amount i do?

thanks in advance :)



Well-known member
Nobody can give you an exact answer when it comes to what amount and when to add.Only you can tell when it's time to add more push ups,time jogging etc
But you can use an pyramid system:
Let's say for example that 10 push ups are really easy for me,15 is medium and 20 are a bit hard.I will do something like this:10-15-20-15-10 this way you can tell much easier when those 20 are becoming more like medium and then you can add 5 more push-ups to every series (15-20-25-20-15).
For jogging,the first time try to run as much as you can to make an idea to how much you can run.
There is no need to do 2 times per day,1 time is as good as 2 times.
I also advice you to consider going to gym,it's hard to motivate yourself for doing workout at home because there are a lot of things that can distract you,while at gym once you get there you have to do a complete an workout.Yeah I may understand why you dislike gyms,there might be an occasional roided maniac here and there but most of the people I met at gym are normal people.
Also body-building is more about diet than workout,so try to eat well( so no more junk food ::p:) and also rest is very important to,make sure you get plenty of rest.


Well-known member
hmm thanks for the advice and info.
im trying to eat propally but i can go 2/3 days without even feeling hungry, i barely have an appetite most the time, there is some medical name for it but i get them all mixed up lol

im gunna try eat more things like pasta, jacket potatoes and bits like that, i used to eat like that and i gained a bit of weight but it didnt last long...

i guess i should but my biscuits away then, already eaten half a big pack of them today :>


Well-known member
Don't worry ,your appetite should come back when you start doing your workouts.


Well-known member
I started out doing the same thing in my room.

You should be trying to add to how much you do each time, but you don't have to kill yourself.

one hundred push ups

That site has a cool program for pushups, also squats and crunches. You can also add pull ups from a tree branch as you feel stronger


Well-known member
I started out doing the same thing in my room.

You should be trying to add to how much you do each time, but you don't have to kill yourself.

one hundred push ups

That site has a cool program for pushups, also squats and crunches. You can also add pull ups from a tree branch as you feel stronger

awesome thanks.
i do have a metal pole going across where i get into my attic just i cant do them propally, my body swings about to much lol


Well-known member
Just be careful, I have asthma and I've overdone it multiple times, had to use my rescue inhaler and breathing machine. I'm too stubborn for my own good some times. ;D

For cardio, I typically run a circuit of random exercises.
100 turns on jump rope
20 pushups
20 burpees
20 kettle bell clean/press (10 per arm)
50 mountain climbers
short rest and repeat, i usually run through that as many times as i can in half an hour.

I started out just jogging/walking one mile and worked my up to more intense exercises.


Well-known member
awesome thanks.
i do have a metal pole going across where i get into my attic just i cant do them propally, my body swings about to much lol

There's also programs you can find on the web for people that can't do any pull ups. They usually include negatives-so you'd jump up into the top of the pull up and lower yourself down under control. In a couple of weeks you should be able to get a couple real pull ups.


I guess 30 mins is appropriate for you and have the right food mate that is what you need right now.
Keep yourself busy with physical activities they will give you what you need right now.
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Well-known member
Having started a fitness routine a few months ago and reading a lot, some advice:

For running, look at Couch to 5k, it is a graded program that will get start you of with 1 minute runs in the first week until you run 5km after 9 weeks, you can even download an app for it. Trust me, it works. That will take care for 3 days a week.

On alternate days you can start a basic bodyweight circuit, there are lots freely available on the internet, the good ones will exercise all the major muscle groups, the major exercises are push-ups, pull ups, squats and plank.

And at least one rest day a week.

Eat as much fresh food as possible and stay away from processed foods, aim for variety and you should get in most of the essential stuff.

And get enough sleep.

The website I go to these days for advice is Nerd Fitness: Helping You Lose Weight, Get Stronger, Live Better.

He concentrate on giving advice to beginners and the average joe.


I think it's really important not to push yourself too much because you can hurt yourself if you're not doing it properly. But even if you are doing it properly, you can still hurt yourself.

I would just do what you're comfortable with and then push yourself to do more when you feel like it... it's not a race. What usually happens is you'll see massive improvements in the first few months and then it will get harder... I don't think working out is a cure for SA but it definitely does help, just don't expect a magical transformation.