Hello, I'm new


Well-known member
Hiya all, I'm new here and I come from England.

I've been reading up on Social Phobia a lot after years of quiet denial and I am trying to do something about it. Most of my anxiety comes from early childhood experiences: an embarrasing medical condition, lots of bullying and most of all a string of extremely negative experiences with girls! Now 20-odd years on and still no better, I'm finally realising I need to change my ways.

Hope to speak to you all soon!


Active member
Hello and Welcome there are a lot of nice people here
I wish you the best


Well-known member
Probably like a lot of you, I'm quite creative - I like writing music, playing guitar etc. I also like going to the gym, learning Cantonese and writing a film blog on obscure east Asian films. The usual stuff, really ::eek::.

Oh, and contrary to popular opinion, I LOVE cats ::p: