Hello everyone!


Hello everyone! I came upon your forum and I thought it would be a nice place to join to discuss things with like minded individuals.

A brief overview of me. I am extremely shy when I'm meeting new people and get uncomfortable and awkward when carrying on a conversation with new people. I am fine online obviously otherwise I wouldn't be here lol but I'm talking about in person. I am very friendly with people in real life though and have no problem exchanging pleasantries (my job pretty much requires one on one interaction) it's just when I start carrying on a deeper conversation with them that things get awkward. I also get very anxious when I am in a place with large crowds like the mall during holiday season, etc. I just want to get out as soon as I can. My whole life I have had a hard time talking to females in fear of rejection, etc. it's amazing that I managed to get married...luckily my wife was much more aggressive lol.

I have a very close circle of friends and have no problems carrying on a deep conversation with them or my family. I have a hard time letting people into my circle of friends...all of them I've known for many, many years. I think much of it has to do with me being 1) an only child and 2) I was overweight as a child and severely bullied all throughout grammar school. I am also obsessed with the gym and trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle now probably because of that.

Anyways that's a short rundown of what brought me here! I look forward to discussing things with you guys and nice to meet you all! :)


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum : ) I can relate to your post. I have a hard time letting people into my close circle of family and friends too.