

Active member
Hi everyone.
I'm Snowbal and I'm 18 years old. I've been dealing with social phobia (I also suffer from depression and panic attacks) since my birth I guess. I recently started to get help and I told a few people who are really close to me. I came across this site a long time ago but I never register. Eventhought I told a few people about my social phobia and they supporting they don't really understand it. That's the reason I decided to join this website, so I can talk to people who I can relate to. I'm sorry if my English isn't perfect, that's because I'm from Holland.

I'm really look forward getting to know people!


Well-known member
Hey Snow =) we understand how u feel and here u will find many ppl that can really feel what u feel , and btw about ur english dont worry i'm even worst than u xD my english is very bad =P anyways welcome =)


hey snowball, it would be very nice to get to know you too! we are all glad you decided to join and are here to support you :)


Well-known member
hey snowball, it would be very nice to get to know you too! we are all glad you decided to join and are here to support you :)

I always reply before than u =P

Anyways snow u will see that here there are very nice ppl maybe just stay away from sarahe17 =P naaa jk ^^ hope u have a nice time
Hello Snowbal, welcome to SPW.:)
Don't worry about your English not being perfect. There are people from all over the globe here.:)