having a panic attack


Well-known member
this guy who sits right in front of me in science is on the this dating site i'm on and messaged me! physically shaking right now and i could barely talk right today. he sits in front of me six hours a week. i may have to drop this class and about to pass out....don't know what to do! ::(: i was only planing to keep my profile off private for about half an hour just to see what would happen and this happens
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this guy who sits right in front of me in science is on the this dating site i'm on and messaged me! physically shaking right now and i could barely talk right today. he sits in front of me six hours a week. i may have to drop this class and about to pass out....i don't know what to do! ::(: i was only planing to keep my profile off private for about half an hour just to see what would happen and this happens

Ah, yes, difficult. Understandably. Is the ice broken? Perhaps not, still difficult to physically see.

Can you message back? I dread saying hang back and let it pass. Potentially something could be here.

You feel something for this person? Positive?
Negative? Can't stand this person?
Answering those questions may help you decide.

100% sure someone will have better advice to come.


Well-known member
he wrote "hey how r u" and i replied "Doing well and you" heh he's nice though but his personality is a bit strong for me but a good person
hey i don't really understand this...i'd understand if you were nervous because you liked this guy and wanted to get to know him? but thats not the case really is it? ..or are you nervous cause you dont want him to try any advances on you? if thats the case no need to drop the class becuase of it or anything drastic...if he does try anything just say hey your nice but unfortunelty i've already started dating somone off that site or sorry but your not my type. i know the situation is a bit awkward but its not really embarrassing or anything is it? so the worst thats going to happen is he goes 'hey i noticed youre on that dating site' blah blah...or you could bring it up just to break the ice if you wanted.
Just relax, just feel proud that he sent u a message, that shows that he likes u!
So nothing to be afraid of, he wants to start a conversation with u, thats nice isnt it??, this can possibly turn out to be love, but also you can become friends ;) , But i can imagine its kinda strange, when u sit in front of eachother! :p
but just relax ok ;)



Yeah, don't worry! This guy obviously just wants to chat, and there is no harm in that :) I am not sure whether it's the embarrassment of being on a dating site, that you don't fancy him and feel awkward, or you do physically fancy him.. and have been thrown a bit off guard...

But from a guys point of view, just return the friendliness :) Don't worry about having to chat to him in class, leave that up to him if you like, but if you do catch his eye smile and be friendly... it'll relax you more than anything and help break any awkwardness


Well-known member
sorry it turns out it was just someone who looked like him and lives in the same area. the picture was rather blurry haha..