I don't think I have ever met someone at school who has it. I find that I get sort of hopeful whenever I observe someone who seems "quiet" or "shy". I have this like, desire that we'll talk one day and find out that we share something in common; SP. So far that hasn't happened, so quite often I feel like its ever so rare. I know it isn't, but it seems like we're all so far away from each other.
A few years ago (when my anxiety reached its first debilitating times at school) I was in this group support for social phobia where I was with a therapist and 3 other people around my age who had social phobia. This was probably my anxiety talking, but I felt like I was WAY more socially anxious than they were. One of them was in dance and didn't seem anxious at all, and the other 2 just seemed more mature and just quiet but not anxious. I feel stupid looking back because I quit after a few weeks, and now I feel like it might have been nice to stick with the group.
We also have a family friend (who is in her late 50s) who has gone through times in her life where she would have panic attacks. Hers would come and go, and she could go through years at a time where everything was "normal". Its nice on occasion to talk to somebody who I know who has dealt with some similar things. I admire her too, because she's quite talkative and has lots of interesting things to say and even though she is softspoken, she is funny and smart.