have you ..Completely


Well-known member
given your thoughts to another person i have to let them into your mind ;) and taken the chance to let them in ? just to see if they understand the way your mind works , i have just so they understand scary but its the only way to deal with sa if you meet someone that will listen and understand sa my gf is a rock in that case , have you really really ever opened up to someone
No, not in real life.It's a real ingrown belief that not one person on earth has any genuine interest in my wishes and fears, and a suspicion that even if ppl seemed to care, they are lying or storing it to use against me in some way.


Well-known member
Yes I have done this. I also thought it was a opportunity to TRY to get closer to this person and whatever but... well I don't regret it, but I probably would NEVER talk to them about that again. I don't think it's worth it.


Well-known member
I've opened up that way to my vocational specialist &, to an extent, my previous two therapists. My vocational specialist is the most understanding person I know & seems to understand me better than anyone.


Super Moderator
Only a few friends know me that much. I can be open with a few others as well, if they are understanding people... but not completely.


Well-known member
No, I think because I've never really had someone to do that to, I think also me trusting someone on that level would be very difficult for me I'd imagine :)


Only close friends. Even then I second guess myself later and wonder if I should've kept certain details to myself. None of them have caused me to regret it so far though.