Has Social Anxiety effect your job


Well-known member
I been laid of 4 time and the main reason was Social Anxiety. My co-workers didn't feel comtherable around me so they tell there boss they can't be around me. they can't lay me off for that reason so they would try coming up withe stuff like he move too slow, he not catchingon fast enough, he been getting a attitude. they try making me upset with the there crewl comment or behind the back talk like he retarded and stuff. they actaully said I was anti social. its crazy but what ever they been do they get me out of there. I caught them laghing about getting me fired.

I'm thing of taking up a new career like truck driving or security guard. something I willn't have to put up with people as much. I would say SA been holding me back my whole life started in school where i couldn't concentrate because of the kid and now having a hard time holding a job but it's people who is making it even harder on me to work or study. I would blame myself for letting them get to me but is it my fault that they will keep bothering me until i snap on them or them getting me fired over lies. These people will not let me just live my life, they have me struggle.

I don't understand. I smeone is not bothering soebody why are they always trying to get me fired or hold me back. feeling uncomtherable is that a way to try getting someone fireed


Well-known member
Unfortunately there is a lot of hateful people out there. Getting a job where you work alone sounds a good idea. I wish you luck
well SA does affect me in school. this past week we had our midterm exams and i usually have to wear a uniform to school, but this week we got to wear normal clothes. so during every single exam i took, i felt so self-conscious that everyone was staring at me and judging my clothes etc and even though i knew they were all busy with their exams and not looking at me, it was really hard to concentrate.


Well-known member
SA has effected me at every single job I've had except for newspaper delivery. I feel your pain. There isn't much we can do about because practically every job involves quite a bit of social interaction. I'm working flower delivery and I still have to interact with people regularly and have SA problems.

My boss threatens to fire me almost every week. I'm not sure how I still have the job.


Well-known member
Op- That's lame of your co workers! It's disgusting how people can judge someone so harshly.

I did indeed lose my job back in October. I was a security guard in a store and having a serious lack of confidence and assertiveness stopped me from doing my job properly.