Has anyone used Lexapro


Hi all

I have been taking lexapro for the last 2 weeks and i have noticed that it's actually making more depressed :confused: what am i supposed to do? should i stop it immediately? i feel very miserable

Any advice is appreciated


Well-known member
oh man lexaproooooooooooooooooooooo... i remember that stuff, everyone reacts to it differently, i was on a high for 2 weeks then it stopped doing anything and started getting vivid nightmares. I use to take it with coffee back then because it made me so sleepy that i could sleep 16hours and still feel tired but i dont recommend it.

advice, doctors say give it time maybe a month or two. read other forums about lexapro.


Well-known member
I'm on Lexapro,it did that to me at first too,so the doc decided I might be bi-polar and added a mood stabilizer,now I feel great.


Well-known member
I'm on Lexipro and its working for me. I find my anxious voice in my head getting smaller all the time.
Everyone has different results but I know it takes a while to kick in. The only person you should be talking to is your doctor :)
All the best


Well-known member
lexapro!! Ugh that stuff made me so sick to my stomach..and i always felt kinda sad..which was odd because i was taking it for anxiety.
The first day, my anxiety was gone.
The second day, I have a headache that has left me unable to do much.

I am still hopeful! It is hard to tell what the long term effects will be but do not give up hope, even if its the wrong med. One will work!

With hope <>


Well-known member
I'm on 40MG of Lexapro. I have been on it since last February. At first, it was very helpful. I felt like a new person. My anxiety had lifted so much. Sadly, I'm back to where I was. I think its effects just kind of wore thin after a while. Perhaps my body has become somewhat immune to it. Either way, medication works differently for everybody. I hope it works for you. If it doesn't, you may find a different medication that will!