Happy Memory Thread!


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when i was first born :) the nurse that dragged me out with forceps was hot hot hot , wanted to date her but didnt know how to talk :confused:


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When I won tickets to see Conan O'Brien in May. I called and called and got them! I don't think I've ever felt that level of ecstatic happiness. Then of course I started worrying about things that could happen to mess it up and ruined it. :p


but i was kinda high.. my friend introduced me to this girl(not in person). before i met her i would occasionally text her and comment on her fb pictures. she's very pretty:) i'm bi-curious and this was the most i had been attracted to a girl. i met her and hung out with the friend that introduced us and a few other people. we started to get to know each other and i had a good conversation with her without becoming tense/anxious. then i smoked. we sat on steps outside of my friend's house and complimented each other. i asked if i could hug her, she said yes, so we hugged. she asked if she could kiss me, and we kissed:)
after she left, i was just with my friend ryan (who told her she should kiss me), and i was so so so happppy! i started crying hahah. i felt like a six year old with a huge crush.


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I actually have several happy memories, I think, but one that I've been focusing on a lot lately is of a first date years ago. A guy I liked in high school messaged me on myspace, asking to hang out (we hadn't seen each other in 6 years). We met up, walked around, had some ice cream. I was going to be playing softball in the summer, and since he played baseball in high school, he tried to teach me to throw and catch. At one point, he asked me why we didn't go out in high school, and I told him because he didn't ask me out. I asked him the same question, and he said that it was because he was too shy.
As we were walking, he stepped down from the curb, so we would be about the same height, and he stopped and looked at me and said "hi." I said hi back, and he kissed me.:D
He spent most of the evening carrying me around, too. He gave me a ride to my car, and the cutest part--while driving and talking to me, he was holding my hand, and without missing a beat, he kissed the back of my hand like that was the most natural thing in the world...:)


Well-known member
ex and I on the beach with fireworks for Canada day.

sitting in the back of a car with some high school friends, smoking pot for the 2nd-3rd time, nice tunes on the stereo

Another very happy memory. The Armada M700, my second (and third (had two of these because one broke)) computer. =3

It's broken now, but I still keep it around as symbol of a happier time. ^W^


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the day i met my friend nicole... ide just started secondary school (age 13) my best friend at the time had just moved house and i went back to his house after school. we had to climb in through a window to get in because his mum didnt like him being in the house when she wasnt there, he got changed and hide all evidence of us being there, then as we were jumping back out of the window there she was.


Well-known member
Oh, I think I like this thread :) Let's see....

Back when I was a kid, I used to live in NJ. Well, in the evening during the summer, my family would go to the beach and so I would often walk with my dad and talk. Of course, I was just 4 or 5, but it was fun. :) Then afterwards we'd go to Dairy Queen and get ice cream. God that was great... Really miss those times.

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Way back in the 90s, I had a golden period between 95 and mid 1999. The best memory I had was in late December 1998, my cousins came to stay with us and we visited a family friend for New Years. It was perfect, nothing particularly fancy or anything, the atmosphere was perfect. I recall thinking to myself at that time that it was going to be a very special memory. When I'm most depressed I take out those photos, play my favorite songs of that period and it rekindles everything so vividly. It helps remind me that I still have unfinished business here, that I shall yet prevail!


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the night my twin sons were born

afterward, when I knew that everyone involved was safe and healthy

happiest moment in my life