Hanging on by a thread...


Well-known member
I finally feel like I'm on the right track, but if anything goes even slightly wrong, I think I will fall apart. If things continue as I plan, I should be sufficiently financially indepedent within the next few years, and I will no longer feel like a loser (I will feel this way until I have finished my degree, and even after that, probably until I have obtained full-time employment.

I am optimistic, but I also worry that I will slip up, and not be able to deal with the consequences or get back on to where I need to be.


Well-known member
Good luck, lilmutgirl. You are heading in the right direction. Even if you experience a set back, please don't let it defeat you. As long as you keep going and remain positive you will reach your goal.


remember we are all on our own different paths in life, not to be compared with anyone else's. I'm 37 and just now trying to give working in my own woodworking shop a try.

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."
~The Buddha


Well-known member
Life is never smooth sailing. You will slip up. It's not a personal thing - it happens to all of us.

The ability to pick yourself up from whatever has tried to knock you down is a tough one to grasp, but it's there in some way. :)


Well-known member
Currently, I am looking at my school schedule for this fall. I would like to add some more classes (I am enrolled in 4 at the moment, so I probably should not add any). I am worried about a few things:
1-If I do add more classes, I will be less available to work, therefore having less money, but could potentially graduate sooner.
2-I may not even be able to take the classes I need--I think I am lacking a prerequisite for one of them, which would mean that I would delay graduating even more.
3-I am afraid that I will become overwhelmed by class/work/family obligations. I wish somebody could tell me exactly what to do (how many classes to take/which ones/how much to work, etc.). I probably wouldn't even listen, though...debating emailing my advisor, which would most likely be the wisest thing to do at this point.
If I am not able to do everything I want/need to, I don't know what I'll do...


Well-known member
Today I was supposed to take a final for an online class. I didn't know any of the material and lost my study guide (which I only had half filled out). When I went to the testing center (about 45 minutes from my house), I got stuck in construction around the campus and was not able to make it in time, so I wasn't able to take the test anyway. At best, I'll get a D in this class. I feel strange about this--somewhat relieved that it's over, but also worried about how this will affect my grants for next year (based on my academic performance this summer) and upset that I'll probably have to take one more class than I anticipated. I may have to pay back a grant that I received this summer too...
Trying to not let this get me down...As long as it doesn't happen again, I think I'll be okay.:eek:h: