Had the weirdest fucked up dream!


Well-known member
Yeah i have heard that - that we only remember a little of what we dream overall. I might learn how to dream recall better too - imagine all the fun that i would then have in interpreting them 8O


Well-known member
I would love to also,having trouble sleeping lately,spent 2 full hours this morning trying to get to sleep,was tired but just couldnt sleep its so annoying im getting grumpy i havent had much sleep lately :(


Well-known member
Redlady: If you can, please help me interpret this dream.

I was walking along with two other people, both of which I do not know. Suddenly, there was this precipitous rocky hill that we were climbing. I mean this thing felt so steep, it was almost like we were climbing a wall. All of us were struggling to climb it, and I was using all my strength just to hang on. Finally, after struggling for some time, the other two managed to climb over it but I was just half-way over the top. All I needed to do was put my legs up and I would have climbed it but I felt like I had no grip. The unknown man I was climbing it with was watching me and I asked him to help me but he wouldn't move he just stared at me. I kept on asking him but he just wouldn't help. Then, out of know where, I felt an enormous amount of weight on one of my legs like someone down below was trying to pull me down and they managed to make me fall.


Well-known member
heres some stuff i hope u can interpret:

1) dreamt where i was floating looking at my own body

2) dreamt where my teeth was falling out or it was very loose


Well-known member
lonesomeboy said:
heres some stuff i hope u can interpret:

1) dreamt where i was floating looking at my own body

2) dreamt where my teeth was falling out or it was very loose

are u sure u dreamt the first thing? could have been an OBEE (Out Of Body Experience or sumthing)


Well-known member
lonesomeboy wrote:

1) dreamt where i was floating looking at my own body

2) dreamt where my teeth was falling out or it was very loose

1) Floating signifies acceptance, letting go of problems and worries and that you will prove victorious in your obstacles that are overwhelming you.

To dream of your body signifies self worth and self esteem.

John when did you dream this - was it after you made the phone call to the psychologists and set up your appointment ? So basically you are looking at yourself in a positive way - with this feeling of acceptance and positive feeling of overcoming your problems self worth and self esteem will follow. ?

As for dream 2 go to the link i wrote on the other page and you will find there a heading called 'teeth dreams' - that should enlighten you.

MaGuS - would you please accept my apologies - i have been working on yours but there is a lot more to it than i first thought - i will submit an interpretation for you tomorrow okay - and it is 1:25 am here my brain is slow at the moment. Until tomorrow then :)


Well-known member
Damn reds in high demand,hello all im reds new agent send a small fee of $95.75 to my bank to be put ahead in the' read my dreams' Que,thanks.

*rubs hands in anticipation* gona be rich i tells ya :D


Well-known member
oh oh!! i'm so late

redlady, i go to that website everyday!! i love it so much, my mom got me hooked on it, i love this stuff :D it always gets mine pretty straight


Well-known member
MaGuS wrote:

Redlady: If you can, please help me interpret this dream.

I was walking along with two other people, both of which I do not know. Suddenly, there was this precipitous rocky hill that we were climbing. I mean this thing felt so steep, it was almost like we were climbing a wall. All of us were struggling to climb it, and I was using all my strength just to hang on. Finally, after struggling for some time, the other two managed to climb over it but I was just half-way over the top. All I needed to do was put my legs up and I would have climbed it but I felt like I had no grip. The unknown man I was climbing it with was watching me and I asked him to help me but he wouldn't move he just stared at me. I kept on asking him but he just wouldn't help. Then, out of know where, I felt an enormous amount of weight on one of my legs like someone down below was trying to pull me down and they managed to make me fall.

The main theme here is struggles and obstacles - there is a lot of symbolism here to that effect.
You are moving towards a goal or something important to you - walking with the strangers - represents repressed part of yourself - suggests that YOU are torn about whether you actually want this goal for yourself - it seems that the repressedpart of yourself does because they make it over the wall.
Rocky hill / wall represents obstacles in achieving your goals, again perhaps it is because you feel this path is not right for you for some reason - you are hesitant to give over to what the repressed part of youresel wants.
So you are repressing what you really want in life. But you are not ready to give over to that and this part of yourself knows that - that is why 'he' offers you no help - you are not ready for some reason to give into what ever it is you are repressing - perhaps you don't even recognise it.
The pulling and falling symbolise that their are things in your life that you want to unload yourself of - perhaps these things are what is preventing you from getting over the wall. You feel insecure and out of control about letting go of these other things / issues / way of thinking - that seem to control you and dominate over this other side of yourself that you are repressing ?


Well-known member
Boundless wrote:

Damn reds in high demand,hello all im reds new agent send a small fee of $95.75 to my bank to be put ahead in the' read my dreams' Que,thanks.

*rubs hands in anticipation* gona be rich i tells ya :D

Hey! and just what pecentage do i get out of this, my self imposed agent you - okay so you have helped me out here, so i will be reasonable. :)


Well-known member
Oi! It's supposed to be the other way around - i'm the one doing all the work - what does that stand for 15% Pffft i don't think so. :mrgreen:


Well-known member
Bah! ok 65% but your extra 50% is going to harm my recovery fund,you see i am..erm ill yes badly ill and i er...need that extra money to fly to..mars to get special treatment thats like er..the only place in the universe that does this treatment,but cant now as your greed has destroyed me :cry:

*hopes the guilt card works*


Well-known member
*sobs* You have brought me to my knees *sniff* I am so selfish, so so selfish. How can i live with myself *sniff* I am sorry please fogive me,i didn't know....................................... That you were such a scam artist - but of course that is what good agents are made of - so you can have 75% on what i make from the actual interpretations - BUT only on the condition that you get me some side deals ie, sponsorship deals etc to fatten up my coffers with. Deal ?


Well-known member
Oh - i didn't know another way to do it that's all - i'll try just clicking the quote button. :)