GUYS with Social Anxiety! Heres a Tip!


Well-known member
Something that has positively effected my Social Anxiety by a good margin is...


I'll tell you from a first hand experience, when your big/buff/strong, PEOPLE RESPECT YOU MORE! I got picked on a good amount in High School, random kids would try to fight me, people would try to steal my money, etc.
Well I started lifting weights, eating healthy, and gaining confidence. I went from 145 lbs. my Junior year, to 192 lbs. my Senior year.
When I hit that 192 mark, I was towering over the people that used to pick on me.

The highlight of my senior year, this guy Matt made my Freshmen year a living HELL. He'd push me down in the hallway, body check me, etc.
Well, during my Senior year I catch Matt about to open a door. He looks at me...Eyes bulging out...(I'm now about a foot taller than him, and a good 30 lbs. heavier)...He stutters out, "He-here let me get that d-door", he holds open the door for me while he's twitching and wincing at me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

*Weight lifting and exercise in general has been scientifically proven to release endorphines, the 'feel good' hormone, great anti anxiety med! Not to mention it's just good for your health in general.


Being RESPECTED with S.A. is no easy task, by nature Introverted people are considered 'inferior, weak, runts, etc.' But when you see a 5'10, 192 lb. shy guy chances are your not going to pick on him, right?

Being respected is a 24 hour job. People show respect to me now I thought I'd never encounter...People walking the opposite direction of me on sidewalks go out of there way to let me through, people give you attention in stores/restaraunts/etc. Even little kids look up at me with bulging eyes, full of fear, and run in the opposite direction when the bump into me :lol: Call me evil, I enjoy it.

---How to---

Gaining weight is a full time job. It takes CONSISTENCY and DEDICATION.
Buy a Gym membership, can't buy a Gym membership because your S.A. is too severe? No prob! Mailorder a weight set!

Heres the system I use to much success.
Day 1- Chest and Back - Bench Press, Peck Fly, Military Press, Decline Bench Press, Dumbell Rows, and 45* Cable Rows.
Day 2- Off
Day 3- Arms & Shoulders - Seated Curls, hammer curls, shrugs, skull crushers, isolated cable rows, overhead cable pull downs, ski rows.
Day 4- Off
Day 5- Legs - Squats, Leg Press, Leg curls, Reverse Leg curls, lunges.

*This is just a standard system, you can find one you like more if you prefer it!
*It's important to take days off, your body needs a chance to heal and build muscle.
*If your JUST starting to lift weights, good news! You can actually BURN fat and GAIN muscle while just starting out. Take advantage!

Who doesn't love to eat?

The rule of thumb with gaining muscle is to have 1 GRAM of PROTEIN per LEAN LB. of BODY! I weigh 192 lbs., I have roughly 15 lbs. of fat, I need
177 Grams of Protein per day to gain muscle.

Next, your calorie intake. If your an Ectomorph(Skinny by genetics), then you can eat to your hearts desire to gain weight, chances are you won't gain much fat.
If your a Mesomorth(like me), you'll have to carefully monitor your fat intake with your protein to minimize your fat growth. Mesomorphs tend to gain muscle & fat easily.
Endomorphs, are chubby people by genetics. They can gain muscle extremely fast, but also gain fat rapidy...and have a difficult time losing that fat.

The standard person needs 200 calories ABOVE they're standard calorie needs to gain muscle! Search google for a Calorie Calculator to find yours!


Protein powder - Optimum Nutrition and Muscle Milk make some great tasting and very effective Whey powders. Protein powders assist you get that extra protein you need!
Creatine- Ethyl Ester is my personal favorite, monohydrate is what most people use. Creatine essentially allows water to build up under your skin, ontop of your muscles. Minor assistance with strength gains.
Glutamine- Helps your body digest Amino Acids...Not scientifically proven.
Nitric Oxide- Dialates your blood vessels to give you a 'pumped' look. Cosmetic only.
Amino Acids- Helps break down proteins for better absorbtion.
Steroids- Bad.
Prohormones- VERY VERY BAD. WORSE THAN STEROIDS!!! These 'trick' your organs into producing more androtestosterone and testosterone, very dangerous, very cheap. You like manboobs? I dont!
Everything Else- Crap. You don't need it, you don't want it.




Well-known member
Hi Mustang. I absolutely, whole-heartedly agree with you! In that, working out can definitely help you feel better. More confident, less anxious, healthier, more energetic, less worried. I like to jog. I also like to work out. Mind you, I'm a girl, so I'm not looking for muscle mass but rather the natural endorphins jogging and exercising give you. It has, without a doubt, helped me feel more confident as well as lifted my spirits when I'm feeling down!


Well-known member
This is something I've been wanting to do for years really and I'vel ooked into the diets a lot. I'm like 125lbs -_- and it seems whatever I eat it just disappears without a trace. Not that thats bad I just wish I was a little heavier.

I will NEVER go to a gym though... that would be the laugh of the day... OMG me lifting weights lol lol lol.

I have thought about buying a home set but I don't have anywhere to put it. I need to go get my own place and put one up but I don't seethat happening anytime soon. I'm saving all my money atm for school and can't afford to buy my own place atm.


Well-known member
bleach said:
Which is why i don't do it. Just too many things I'd rather be doing.

Such as? Last time I checked S.A. left much free time for myself, as well as others. The physical and mental benefits of getting a workout outweigh many other activities my friend.

sketchy24 said:
This is something I've been wanting to do for years really and I'vel ooked into the diets a lot. I'm like 125lbs -_- and it seems whatever I eat it just disappears without a trace. Not that thats bad I just wish I was a little heavier.

I will NEVER go to a gym though... that would be the laugh of the day... OMG me lifting weights lol lol lol.

I have thought about buying a home set but I don't have anywhere to put it. I need to go get my own place and put one up but I don't seethat happening anytime soon. I'm saving all my money atm for school and can't afford to buy my own place atm.

Look up high calorie Protein Shakes...BSN and Muscle Milk some great ones. Your an Ectomorph like Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Jim Carey. Extra calories will help you to start putting on some weight.

Excuses man. You don't need a Bowflex, Treadclimber, etc. to workout.
Go to Wal-Mart, buy a few dumbells...Light weight, Moderate weight, and Heavy weight...You don't need anything else to get a good workout starting out.


Well-known member
I think being in a gym setting is a big part of the benefit of exercise.

I joined a kickboxing program, because just lifting is kinda boring, and hitting stuff is fun. I can honestly say that after 3 months, i am STILL the weakest, most unfit, unmuscular, nerdy person in the gym. I'm sure the janitor could kick my ass.

But one day, i was having trouble bench pressing the bar. (Yes ladies and gentlemen, just the bar with no weights on it, in a gym full of people). And the owner of the gym came over and laughed at me for being so weak. I laughed with him, told him "dude your gym sucks, i expected to be the incredible hulk by now", we chatted, he gave me some pointers, and i had a good time.

THAT i think is more valuable than any muscle i could have gained. The confidence to shrug off my anxiety. Even if its just in that specific time, that specific situation. I count it as one of my bigger wins in the ongoing battle against SA.


Well-known member
Ok well... its true I am the king of excuses but I never thought it could be that simple... but if thats all I need... you've convinced me. I hope they come with an instruction booklet. (lol... joke...)

I was looking up some stuff though... those adjustable dumbbells that go up from 5-45 pounds good? They take up hardly any space! Roll those under my bed actually. I actually have a nice uber savings so money really isn't a problem I just dont wanna go nuts with it all. I just wanna make sure its good and what I'd need.

Ok I'm a little psyched now. It would be nice to go to work and be able to put up that 70lb roll of foil on my machine without any help (sour cream production plant... you know... the foil that says "sealed for freshness").

(and ya I see the benefits of the gym and all but baby steps... maybe when I feel a bit more comfortable and at least look a little bigger)


Well-known member
I agree with Mustang! (Though I don't think you actually NEED protein powders and other expensive supplements, since there are good natural sources of proteins, like eggs and beans.)

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle (no more soda, and no junk food) has 100% cured me of depression, and made me a little more confident in social situations. I still have AvPD/SA but I feel good about myself, and I have taken a few steps towards recovery.


Well-known member
I also love weight lifting, but having to eat 5 or 6 meals a day is a royal pain in the ass for me. I eat lots of brown rice, whole wheat pasta, fish etc. I really hate the eating part. It takes too much time to prepare but also to eat.


Well-known member
For the eating many meals part, I just go with carrots and apples in between breakfast and dinner, and a couple of fried eggs with beans after a hard workout.


Well-known member
Bro good work! Seriously, kudos! I tried body building but gave up as my mum wasn't supportive of it, and didn't like my idea of changing my diet. The gym membership got too expensive, had no one to go with as well, and the trainers were pathetic and unhelpful so ofcourse i quit. Im luckky i look good otherwise, naturally 8% bodyfat, kinda slim with muscle, but i don't have a six pack.

Anyways i hope this doesn't piss anyone off, but i've been told i have a nice face, yet i still don't attract many girls . . . . So i think i should work on my confidence and not looks. Besides i feel if i got bigger, i would probably get obssesive about it and suffer more inferiority complexes. But thanks heeps for this thread, sometimes i still think back and wonder if i should have kept going. Well done on your gains though. Haha i hope that reaction of an old time bully was true bro . . . coz it sounds soo pricless, i love it! :D


Well-known member
sketchy24 said:
Ok well... its true I am the king of excuses but I never thought it could be that simple... but if thats all I need... you've convinced me. I hope they come with an instruction booklet. (lol... joke...)

I was looking up some stuff though... those adjustable dumbbells that go up from 5-45 pounds good? They take up hardly any space! Roll those under my bed actually. I actually have a nice uber savings so money really isn't a problem I just dont wanna go nuts with it all. I just wanna make sure its good and what I'd need.

Ok I'm a little psyched now. It would be nice to go to work and be able to put up that 70lb roll of foil on my machine without any help (sour cream production plant... you know... the foil that says "sealed for freshness").

(and ya I see the benefits of the gym and all but baby steps... maybe when I feel a bit more comfortable and at least look a little bigger)

If you can afford those weight sets by all means get them. You can honestly get a complete body workout with a simple set of 3 dumbells, but the adjustable weights would allow you to upgrade to higher weight without buying new weights.

I completely understand what you mean by 'when I'm more comfortable and look a bit bigger.' I didn't step inside a gym until about a year of working out was under my belt.

Lift that Sour Cream sealant onto your machine and scream, "WHAT NOW SOUR CREAM?! YOU AINT SO TOUGH NOW!!!"

Ok...Maybe not, but you get the idea


Carstuar said:
I agree with Mustang! (Though I don't think you actually NEED protein powders and other expensive supplements, since there are good natural sources of proteins, like eggs and beans.)

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle (no more soda, and no junk food) has 100% cured me of depression, and made me a little more confident in social situations. I still have AvPD/SA but I feel good about myself, and I have taken a few steps towards recovery.

Absolutely agree, theres no replacement for natural foods. The only problem is most people don't have the time/patience to cook food or prepare meals, thats where the protein shake gets its handiness.

You can definetly get strong, big and confident without supplements, it just helps shorten the time it takes.

And I'm glad to hear that exercise has cured your depression! Way to go bro! 8)


Well-known member
Remember...Finding a gym that operates at late night(6-9) might be a good way to exercise without inducing a Social Anxiety panic attack! Finding that 'sweet spot' where very few people attend a gym at a time is great way to get around being people while doing a workout.


Active member
I really agree with you Mustang. I have been going to the gym for a while now and it is a great way of building self confidence. Not just noticing gains, but actually going to the gym and making myself be around some other people. I find it better to go at quiet times though, as my SA distracts me from lifting correctly when there are lots of people there. And people do respect you more if you are bigger.
I would recommend this to guys with SA.


Well-known member
Well... I did eventually buy a Powerblock set... I like em.. they're comfortable and easy to adjust. Using my brothers old bench thing and all as well. I never thought keeping up with the food would be so hard though >.<

But ya I've really been getting into this lately... something healthy I can invest time in and don't feel like I'm wasting my time.

About the gym.. It would be nice if they were open at like 1-2 in the morning :p Then I could go right after work and wouldn't have to worry about anyone really being there.


Well-known member
sketchy24 said:
Well... I did eventually buy a Powerblock set... I like em.. they're comfortable and easy to adjust. Using my brothers old bench thing and all as well. I never thought keeping up with the food would be so hard though >.<

But ya I've really been getting into this lately... something healthy I can invest time in and don't feel like I'm wasting my time.

About the gym.. It would be nice if they were open at like 1-2 in the morning :p Then I could go right after work and wouldn't have to worry about anyone really being there.

Yup. The eatings the hardest part to it...Figure spending 45-60 minutes in a gym, then you have to eat right allllllllll day.

Glad to hear your starting to enjoy it! Thats a definite landmark!

Lol A gym that would be open at 1 or 2 A.M. would definetly be interesting to see! :)


Well-known member
Wow. This post is so simplistically masculine. Get buff and people will respect you. Nah, they'll just want to avoid you more than they probably already do because they don't respect you so much as fear you.


Active member
ljwwriter said:
Wow. This post is so simplistically masculine. Get buff and people will respect you. Nah, they'll just want to avoid you more than they probably already do because they don't respect you so much as fear you.

I was kind of thinking the same thing. Except my problem with this sort of thing is the fact that it still has to do with gaining other people's respect. If you were just lifting weights because you found it challenging, fun, and just an overall healthy thing to do, then that's awesome. But for some reason, I don't see this helping much with SA. Or self esteem.

Damn. If this technique works for you guys with SA, I must have something far worse than SA. Being stronger or looking scarier or being feared or feeling powerful still can't make up for the fact that I feel terrible on the inside, and that's why I've realized a long time ago that this type of thing is, simply put, just a giant mask.