GUYS with Social Anxiety! Heres a Tip!


Well-known member
Wow,, seems like a lot of work! I guess my occasional dumbbell lifting/pressups isn't gonna do much lol. I can't be bothered to devote that much time/expense to working out though.


Well-known member
chris420 said:
Wow,, seems like a lot of work! I guess my occasional dumbbell lifting/pressups isn't gonna do much lol. I can't be bothered to devote that much time/expense to working out though.

It is a lot of work, but the benefits much outweigh the time expended.

And I can't help myself from laughing at your last sentence...You can't be bothered? :) Seems devotion and motivation are in short supply these days!

And it's really quite inexpensive my friend. A $20 Gym Membership or $50 worth of dumbells is really all you need to get going


Active member
I really want to start working out again. I just can't afford to go to the gym or buy some weights at the moment. About all I can do is eat right and do push ups and what not. Do you have any exercises you can give me to do that don't involve weights or anything?


Well-known member
I've wanted to start a workout system for myself for over 5 years now, ive tried at-home stuff... free weights, sittups, pushups, etc. but I feel like it's just not enough. So i want to join a gym, badly. It's inspiring to see that someone else who has SA has found it beneficial for gaining respect and confidence.
I think i'll sign up next month at the local gym. Probably the best move i'll ever make. However, I heard that working out 5 days a week is the best way to go, but I see you only do it 3 days a week. Is it better to leave more time between workouts for your muscles to rebuild?


Well-known member
Dude ive been doing the same thing. Ive been lifting for about a year and a half now and my confidence has boosted. It makes me feel so good whenever I have a nice lift and when I catch girls loooking at me. haha. These girls are the ones that I used to be afraid to talk to at school, and then once they see me at the local gym its just like "haha yeah im not the pussy you think I am anymore." Feels so good
By the way mustang... what do you think of creatine? Ive been taking it the whole time that ive been lifting. Should I stop bc I heard that you can really screw up your kidneys.


Well-known member
Skooter said:
I really want to start working out again. I just can't afford to go to the gym or buy some weights at the moment. About all I can do is eat right and do push ups and what not. Do you have any exercises you can give me to do that don't involve weights or anything?

If you have $50 I'd suggest buying weights. Low, Moderate, and a Heavy weight is all you need. You can only go so far using your body weight as a exercise device in muscle building; you can get toned as hell, but putting on weight will be extremely difficult.

-incline pushups
-decline pushups
-sit ups
-chin ups
-weighted jogging/walking(pack a backpack full of books or anything heavy and walk or jog with it for 5-10 mins.)

ripewithdecay said:
I've wanted to start a workout system for myself for over 5 years now, ive tried at-home stuff... free weights, sittups, pushups, etc. but I feel like it's just not enough. So i want to join a gym, badly. It's inspiring to see that someone else who has SA has found it beneficial for gaining respect and confidence.
I think i'll sign up next month at the local gym. Probably the best move i'll ever make. However, I heard that working out 5 days a week is the best way to go, but I see you only do it 3 days a week. Is it better to leave more time between workouts for your muscles to rebuild?

If you have time to do 5 days a week than by all means my friend do it. I do 3 days a week due to my school/work schedule. Depending on the area of the body you worked before you may or may not need to rest between workout days. So if you do Biceps/Triceps/Delts/and Forearms on Monday...And Tuesday you do Legs....You won't need to rest because it's two different parts of the body that won't get overtrained if you work two days in a row.

With working out 5 days a week make sure to get sufficient rest; sleeping in and napping can be your best friend. :wink:

that1guy said:
Dude ive been doing the same thing. Ive been lifting for about a year and a half now and my confidence has boosted. It makes me feel so good whenever I have a nice lift and when I catch girls loooking at me. haha. These girls are the ones that I used to be afraid to talk to at school, and then once they see me at the local gym its just like "haha yeah im not the pussy you think I am anymore." Feels so good
By the way mustang... what do you think of creatine? Ive been taking it the whole time that ive been lifting. Should I stop bc I heard that you can really screw up your kidneys.

Glad to hear you've gained confidence man!
You won't technically screw up your kidneys; you'll just get kidney stones. Same as if you drank too much soda. Kidney stones aren't normally dangerous but they can hurt like hell...They range in shape and size...Some are rock shaped, some are spiked like a Sea Urchin. I don't think you want to try and pass one of those babies. Keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water and you should be fine. Try and keep an eye on your urination habbits...Taking a piss 4+ times a day is a good range...If your urine is dark, drink more...if it's clear, your doing good to keep your kidneys flushed.


Active member
mustang said:
If you have $50 I'd suggest buying weights. Low, Moderate, and a Heavy weight is all you need. You can only go so far using your body weight as a exercise device in muscle building; you can get toned as hell, but putting on weight will be extremely difficult.

Getting toned is what I'm most concerned about right now. If I have to I can borrow some weights though.


Well-known member
Skooter said:
mustang said:
If you have $50 I'd suggest buying weights. Low, Moderate, and a Heavy weight is all you need. You can only go so far using your body weight as a exercise device in muscle building; you can get toned as hell, but putting on weight will be extremely difficult.

Getting toned is what I'm most concerned about right now. If I have to I can borrow some weights though.

The major part of toning is eating clean. No fast food, no sodas, low fat, moderate carbs and high protein.


Well-known member
This was an awesome thread.

Here you see people actively trying to do something about their problems, and getting positive results.

Then you have those who doubt the effectiveness of what is talked about, and aways by presupposing that it's not worth it or that it's too much work.

Stop presupposing it won't work, try it out for yourself. Laziness more likely goes away by doing more things, ironically. Not doing anything, isolating yourself, that's when we're the laziest.

I've also heard that getting in shape does wonders for anyone. Girls like you more, guys respect you more (punks fear you; that's ok with me!).

I'm going to start in a fighting art, possibly jiu jitsu. $120/month.

Hopefully I can make friends there too, in addition to having fun and developing useful skills AND getting fit.