Guy help?


Well-known member
theres this guy i really like in drawing. he recently switched seats closer to me. we spoke a tiny bit but it wasnt a personal conversation. he always has initiated it. If he looks over i freeze up and cannot think so well. last time i almost asked if he wanted to hangout during break and go to starbucks but there was no way i could ask when the moment came. if someone asked you this would it freak you out?? I was thinking of trying to talk more and mentally prepare for two weeks and then ask?


Staff member
nothing freaky about that, its quite normal to ask people out be it date or freindship.

"hey would you like to hangout at starbucks and grab a latte"

I'd be happy to :)


Well-known member
I think guys love being asked out. It's flattering for one, and for another, it's probably nice for a guy to get asked out for once, instead of always having to ask the girl out.

Today I was talking to a friend who's been using me for advice to ask out a girl he likes and he told me "It's not easy. Your bf lucked out cause you manned up and asked him." I'm pretty sure most guys feel similarly.
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Silvox Black

Well-known member
Simply sum up your courage, I know you have it, and speak your mind in that moment. Think nothing of future consequences or how he will think of you, for he most likely will not think any less of you for asking.


Staff member
Anyone want to treat me to a starbucks? double tall half/half extra vanilla latte please :)

One of them and I'm anybodys :D

good luck Hermitcrab! worse thing can be a "no" and it's not the end of the world if he does (only a knob would say that I think anyway)

You caught my eye as an interesting guy is a good one, fancy a coffee and a chat?