Got Low Self-Esteem?


Well-known member
Every time I figure something out, within myself.. I have this feeling that other people are suffering the same thing. And I want to tell people about it!! I figured out (I knew this yeaaars ago, but I didn't give it much thought) I have low self-esteem.

I'm pretty sure other people here have low self-esteem too.. So.. Here's a link, read up.. I never realized that a lot of my feelings deep down inside are the basis for low self-esteem.

Anyway!! Here's a link..

If anyone has anything else to add, that would be GREAT! :D


Well-known member
There's a self-esteem e-mail 'course' on , I'm doing it at the mo and it seems pretty good. I've also got the audio files it advertises which are massively helpful to go with it. If anyone wants these feel free to PM.


Well-known member
I have MAJOR low self esteem, and im face with pretty ppl everyday which makes me misrable.
Alot of men have asked me out, but i say no, cz i think if i sleep with them and they see me in the morning with no make-up on they'll be discusted by me, cz thts how i feel about myself.
Even when i got to the gym, i wear make-up.
Even with make-up on, i still look ugly. its jst without it i look so horrific it shud b a crime.


Well-known member
I have MAJOR low self esteem, and im face with pretty ppl everyday which makes me misrable.
Alot of men have asked me out, but i say no, cz i think if i sleep with them and they see me in the morning with no make-up on they'll be discusted by me, cz thts how i feel about myself.
Even when i got to the gym, i wear make-up.
Even with make-up on, i still look ugly. its jst without it i look so horrific it shud b a crime.
If a lot of men have asked you out, you can't be that ugly.


Well-known member
well not reli, cz they've only seen me with make-up on. Only my family and about 2 of my friends have seen me without make-up on.


Well-known member
i remember from high school that my english teacher said that the whole low self esteem stuff was nonsense

i forgot to add that all english teachers are ef'in morons