Good looking people scare me


Well-known member
What can I do about this? I am intimidated by good looking people. I sometimes think, "well they probably don't have any personality", but that isn't always enough. What can be done about this?


Well-known member
Thanks for being more specfic. I too use to have that problems until I started working at my job at the supermarket.

At jobs like mine where you have to constantly deal with customers face to face; you get to meet attractive people up close.

I quickly realize that they are no different from unattractive people and I am now able to ignore their beauty. Dont miss understand; at first their beauty can be a little imposing but it wares off fast and then you dont even notice it once you get used to them.

Let me ask you this Do you chat with other users online? I bet you do and dont even realize that you are chatting with some of the most attractive people you have ever seen. Ask them to show you their pic and you will see that you have already been talking to attractive people with confidence already.


Well-known member
Imagine the person that your scared of taking a poo and its really smelly and there dressed as a clown. You soon will see them as disgusting rather than scary and rather not good looking.

p.s if you want to stop loving someone this method works too. Its called 'pre negative imaging'(my personal method).


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
What can I do about this? I am intimidated by good looking people. I sometimes think, "well they probably don't have any personality", but that isn't always enough. What can be done about this?
ahh man, i do that too..i hate it cause i always wonder if they think i have the hots for them or something, cause i'm acting all weird and fidgety... :roll:


Well-known member
They seem to scare you.

Fear comes from the inside, something within you. Within your mind. These people who appear to your mind trigger this feeling of fear within you. Why?

I mean, the way their body looks doesn't frighten you because you sense them to be attractive. If they looked menacing and looked like they wanted to physically hurt you then you could i guess say that the fear was justified. A good point was made by Tampa-Bay when chatting to users online.

So what fear are we talking about?

Completely irrational fear or insecurity when facing the opposite sex, on dates or wherever. What are the underlying fears?

Fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of rejection. Don't take my word for it realize this yourself. Someone told me this a long time ago and for ages i never believed them. Something inside you says, "not good enough", "you cant do it" "or "they are better than me" better looking, better off, have a better life.

These fears also arise from within based on our own imagination. We feel intimidated by 'what other think of me' - these are our own imagined thoughts. We literally fail, lose and are rejected by our own minds creation. This internally causes feelings of sadness and we see ourselves as bigger failures and that there is something seriously wrong with us.



Well-known member
I agree with worrydoll. It's bad enough if they're good looking, but if I have the hots for them, then there is no hope! :oops: :oops:


Well-known member
Agree with u , if i have a crush on hottie , i act weird and it is a torture for me.


Well-known member
I have the same problem...
its like I think i'm not worthy of talking to them or something like that...
but then, i see most people as being more attractive than me, so you can see the problem :lol:


Active member
The only thing that scares me about really good looking people (women more than men - yes yes there are some men out there who have done it for me and YES i am comfortable with my sexuality) is not having a bag or magazine or big notebook on hand when i am around one.


Well-known member
Why should you be intimidate with good looking people...Don't you have faith in yourself that you are beautiful to...You may not say that you are beautiful in a physical appearance but in heart I know you are.

Come to think of it...Physical looks can be good, they can be so attractive, but they age as years pass...But a good heart, even what age are you, it will never age forever.


Well-known member
prince1 said:
Imagine the person that your scared of taking a poo and its really smelly and there dressed as a clown. You soon will see them as disgusting rather than scary and rather not good looking.

p.s if you want to stop loving someone this method works too. Its called 'pre negative imaging'(my personal method).

There are some people in this world for whom that will not work hehehehehe 8)
Shame to admit but I am also shy when I see a preety girl.I hate that! I think it is called kaliginephobia.But I dont think that this is a phobia or fear.Maybe I think that a beautiful women have a great expectations from a guy and I dont believe that I am able to satisfy her.


Well-known member
Its been a while since you started this post. Anyway I was just wondering since you said that good looking people scare you;

How do you react to the females in the post your picture tread?

Have you tried makeing friends with the pretty girls on this site. You have probaly notice that all of the girls you will deal with on this site are very very attractive. Is this a problelm for you? I mean since you said femails scare you. Is this a real life problem only or does it also affect you online too? Just curious.


Active member
This is an old thread but I thought I would post a comment anyway.
One of the things that makes a person more attractive than mere physical beauty is confidence. I am a very good looking guy and guess what...I am shy around physically attractive people too. The misconception is that we have it easy. In school the girls thought I was stuck up. Little did they know, I was painfully shy. All I can tell you is, is that we are all human. our blood is the same color. One of the things I've always noticed about a physically striking woman is that if she is cold hearted and no personality then I don't care to meet her but if she has a warm heart then she is gorgeous to me.
I think a woman who smiles is a real turn on for me. Whereas I have always heard a woman say that a man with confidence is very sexxy.
The bottomline...its who we are inside that makes all the difference.


Well-known member
I'm the same, i just feel so inferior to other guys when i think they are better looking than me, i'm also terrified of pretty girls.


Well-known member
AnxiousGuy said:
One of the things that makes a person more attractive than mere physical beauty is confidence. I am a very good looking guy and guess what...I am shy around physically attractive people too. The misconception is that we have it easy. In school the girls thought I was stuck up. Little did they know, I was painfully shy. All I can tell you is, is that we are all human. our blood is the same color. One of the things I've always noticed about a physically striking woman is that if she is cold hearted and no personality then I don't care to meet her but if she has a warm heart then she is gorgeous to me.
I think a woman who smiles is a real turn on for me. Whereas I have always heard a woman say that a man with confidence is very sexxy.
The bottomline...its who we are inside that makes all the difference.

Try looking like me and then tell me looks don't matter, douchebag. :lol:

I have seen women go nuts over retarded guys just because their face was perfectly symmetrical.

How come it's always the good looking people touting that "inside that counts" bullshit. Do they feel sorry for us and want to believe it's a just world? (How come they share some type of rare wisdom that only comes with having high cheekbones and a chisled jawline?)

And most importantly, Why the fuck would people take advice on how to attract women from someone who only has to smile and shes theres?

Go fuck yourself. You're a real scumbag telling how great you got it and belittling me with that "confidence" advice.

edit: Fact is, if you were in a car crash and were no longer aesthetically pleasing, no girls would be interested. And all that bullshit about liking a girls personality would vanish and your truth self would emerge (believe me, I was just like you when I thought I was decent looking).

I'm glad you got it good man, but don't throw it in everyone elses face


Active member
SocialRetahd said:
AnxiousGuy said:
One of the things that makes a person more attractive than mere physical beauty is confidence. I am a very good looking guy and guess what...I am shy around physically attractive people too. The misconception is that we have it easy. In school the girls thought I was stuck up. Little did they know, I was painfully shy. All I can tell you is, is that we are all human. our blood is the same color. One of the things I've always noticed about a physically striking woman is that if she is cold hearted and no personality then I don't care to meet her but if she has a warm heart then she is gorgeous to me.
I think a woman who smiles is a real turn on for me. Whereas I have always heard a woman say that a man with confidence is very sexxy.
The bottomline...its who we are inside that makes all the difference.

Try looking like me and then tell me looks don't matter, douchebag. :lol:

I have seen women go nuts over retarded guys just because their face was perfectly symmetrical.

How come it's always the good looking people touting that "inside that counts" bullshit. Do they feel sorry for us and want to believe it's a just world? (How come they share some type of rare wisdom that only comes with having high cheekbones and a chisled jawline?)

And most importantly, Why the fuck would people take advice on how to attract women from someone who only has to smile and shes theres?

Go fuck yourself. You're a real scumbag telling how great you got it and belittling me with that "confidence" advice.

edit: Fact is, if you were in a car crash and were no longer aesthetically pleasing, no girls would be interested. And all that bullshit about liking a girls personality would vanish and your truth self would emerge (believe me, I was just like you when I thought I was decent looking).

I'm glad you got it good man, but don't throw it in everyone elses face

Whos face am I'm throwing it in? Just cause you've got a real attitude problem cause you want to sit behind your comfy little keyboard and flame people doesn't mean my post to anyone else here doesn't have value.
If you don't like the way you look then try to capitilize on your good points.
Or maybe you don't have any? You just want to be a big whiny baby?
Many of times I have seen mediocre guys dating playboy models and vice versa. what would your answer to that be.