Good looking people scare me


Well-known member
My answer is that it's an extremely rare occurance and would involve the male possessing extraordinarily high status, a hollywood level personality, and/or extreme wealth.

All three of those attributes are even rarer than good looks.

Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Your advice is rather cliche and is coming from someone who doesn't necessarly need confidence in order to succeed.

Stop trying to think and go strike another pose in the mirror if you are really that vain.


Well-known member
Body Dysmorphic

Body Dysmorphic?
I wonder if there are any members on this site that can tell me more about this disorder and why dont we have a section for it?
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder that involves a distorted body image. It is generally diagnosed in those who are extremely critical of their physique or self-image, despite the fact there may be no noticeable disfigurement or defect.

Most people wish they could change or improve some aspect of their physical appearance, but people suffering from BDD, generally considered of normal appearance, believe that they are so unspeakably hideous that they are unable to interact with others or function normally for fear of ridicule and humiliation at their appearance. They tend to be very secretive and reluctant to seek help because they are afraid others will think them vain or they may feel too embarrassed to do so.

Ironically, BDD is often misunderstood as a vanity driven obsession, whereas it is quite the opposite; people with BDD believe themselves to be irrevocably ugly or defective.

BDD combines obsessive and compulsive aspects, which links it to the OCD spectrum disorders among psychologists. People with BDD may engage in compulsive mirror checking behaviors or mirror avoidance, typically think about their appearance for more than one hour a day, and in severe cases may drop all social contact and responsibilities as they become homebound. The disorder is linked to an unusually high suicide rate among all mental disorders.


Active member
SocialRetahd said:
My answer is that it's an extremely rare occurance and would involve the male possessing extraordinarily high status, a hollywood level personality, and/or extreme wealth.

All three of those attributes are even rarer than good looks.

Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Your advice is rather cliche and is coming from someone who doesn't necessarly need confidence in order to succeed.

Stop trying to think and go strike another pose in the mirror if you are really that vain.

Wrong again. It is not that rare of an occurence. You seem to think that only physically attractive people are matched with other attractive people.
Its not that black and white. Its not going to matter what I say or anyone else. Your just going to sit there and attack every post I make. I know your type. And I'm not vain at all by the way. Not trying to be. You think looks is everything but its not.


Active member
I think tampa bay said it best in the reply to you(4th post in the thread).
The effects of a person's physical attractiveness wears off once you start talking to the person and get a feel for who they are.
SocialR, I know this guy and he admits he has a face like a catcher's mit (and he is not a celebrity or rich) and he always has great looking women around. He is in the seduction community.
He has courses to help guys who want to meet and date women. If your interested I can send you info. I want to help you man. there are so many forums on the net where there are flame wars and they are negative.
I have my own challenges and I came here to seek help and try to help others if I can. If you read the news you know that the world is totally unbalanced right now with the war in the middle east and the shrinking of the dollar, etc. this is one of the places I hope that we can bring balance.


Well-known member
What is balance? Considering the sheer amount of imbalance around the place Im almost sure its impossible for anyone one born in this age to perceive such a thing.

Retahd I can see why you feel this way to people with above average looks, hell it makes me sick to see good looking women fall for some fool who cannot count to ten. But the thing to remember... 'hate the methods not the people'.

Calm down some, we are all here to discuss things and help each other not to beat people down with personal facts, Guy is correct in how physical features is not the cure to everything social. Sure maybe in the majority of this world all it takes is a pretty smile but do you really want to be that shallow? Remember also that SA usually jumps to another perceived problem e.g if its not looks its pose/clothes or combinations thereof.

People do put alot of attention into those who look appealing, and they also focus on what they have to say, but they miss out on those people who do not hide behind a pretty face to acheive things.

Personally? I do feel somewhat shakey when im around the good lookers, especially women. But if I was to learn about them, that would change. Agreed, many men and women of the handsome kind generally act incredibaly vain, and yes its painful to watch everyone flock around them and attend to their needs. But then, who cares about them? Let them be vain for those people who are above the masses, the unjudging and clear thinkers, will always see great lovable things in either the simple or those with below average looks.

Uh sorry if it seemed odd in some places but this is what tiredness does to me, as freaky as it is. xD. Just to clarify things a little, those who are vain over good looks are usually extremely shallow, so in reality but not being vain you have more than they have materially.

Now, to sleep I go... *slinks off into the darkness*


Active member
Have to agree with SocialR (the message, not the delivery). Good-looking people love to tell ugly people that "it's what's on the inside that counts" and to "have confidence - it's the most attractive feature". I just wish I could give them my ugly face and fat body one day, and then let them try and have confidence. It's a huge joke.


Well-known member
Most people keep saying good looking people scare them but look at those dirty pic someone has uploaded to this site.

All of those ugly guys get the pretty porn stars. If you are a good looking guy about 6ft or 3 meters tall. Broad shoulders,nice smile, good bone structure,6 pack wash board stomach, deep intimadateing voice you don't seem to have a chance in the dateing world.

The only time a good looking guy has a chance is if he has wealth or is famous. Most of the not so good looking people have all the sex because the seem to be so confident. :lol: If you dont believe me look at those dirty pics on this site.


Active member
Most people keep saying good looking people scare them but look at those dirty pic someone has uploaded to this site.

All of those ugly guys get the pretty porn stars. If you are a good looking guy about 6ft or 3 meters tall. Broad shoulders,nice smile, good bone structure,6 pack wash board stomach, deep intimadateing voice you don't seem to have a chance in the dateing world.

The only time a good looking guy has a chance is if he has wealth or is famous. Most of the not so good looking people have all the sex because the seem to be so confident. :lol: If you dont believe me look at those dirty pics on this site.

I know exactly which pics your referring to tampa. I'm surprised the moderator hasn't removed them and gave the guy who posted them the boot. Well, :wink: tampa, Ron Jeremy is extremely ugly but you don't get hired to do porn by confidence. I live in Los Angeles where they do all the filming here. You only get work in the business if your well hung...more so than the average guy. Those people cannot act to save their life.


I can understand (somewhat) being afraid or nervous around a pretty girl that YOU REALLY WANT but are you really scared of the pretty girls you DON'T WANT? And if you so, why be scared...if you are not attracted and don't want them romantically that is? I'd think your fear would have more to do with rejection or criticism of the pretty girl bcuz you are romantically interested rather than 'oh se's hot and i hate that about her!" get what i'm saying?

I'd only think if you were physically or sexually attracted would you be afraid :?


Well-known member
I came to the point that i don't really know what type of women i prefer.
Really dont know how i managed to do this to myself...

I have noticed a lot of self-sabotaging thoughts in my past [as a result to bad environmental situation i was faced]

Today i thought of one women that i m not able to admit myself how i m crazy about .. She has so wonderful blue eyes...I think i m burning inside


I try not to look at people, but when I accidentally Do make eye contact and they Are good looking, I usually blush. And then I worry about being red, and that they probably noticed, and I worry that they probably thought I thought they were nice looking -hence the blushing. So I blush some more.

Yeah, I really don't work around people.