Going outside


Active member
Does anyone else want to go outside but feel like they're being watched constantly? I feel like if I go outside to wash my car or do yard work all the neighbors and people driving by are watching me. I hate it I want to go outside and do stuff but I only do when I absolutely have to.


Well-known member
Yeah, that I do...

It got so bad for a while I made sure to go out looking nice, thinking if I looked good people wouldn't stare at me...

Now I just sing a good song in my head or have my headphones on when I leave for longer than just outside my door, and it really helps me zone out.


Well-known member
Things which keep me busy like washing the car I don't mind being seen. I'm busy. :) We don't have a garden in the front and I barely do something in the garden with my mother. And my father barely has neighbours, so ..::p: But I do have a feeling that I need to perform well with that thing I do. But I'm not complaining, it's way better then the feeling of being stared at etc ..
Used to have that feeling, but it went away after not going out. :p Nah but in all seriousness other people are probably thinking the same, I mean look at vanity. It exists in us all to a point, because we are aware of our surroundings, you just need to learn how to control it on a basic level, other people you think that are watching you do think the same when in public, so you're not alone.

Just imo.


Well-known member
I experience this as well. I don't really think someone is watching me all the time when I am outside, it is more the potential that someone COULD be looking at me at any given moment . This applies basically to any window or doorway as well. I have good days and bad days. The good days, it's still there, but I'm able to kind of ignore it pretty well. On the bad days it affects me more. Again, it's a totally irrational fear, and the left side of my brain knows it's ridiculous, but nevertheless it doesn't go away, even with the logical arguments :p
I had this. The strange thing is I realize that the reason I thought people were looking at me was because I had the habit of looking out at people who were outside in my street. If I heard someone outside doing something I would quickly run to the window and have a look who it was. Then I would usually think "what a dik" or something mean about them. I guess what goes around comes around.


Well-known member
yes, I used to wait until I couldn't see my neighbours. The neighbours one side really disliked me, they're gone now.

At the moment I can't tolerate shopping centres.


I can go to the shopping mall and I can park and go inside and I can walk around and go in the stores I want to see, but I can't buy anything. I think the other people in the store and the employees are going to think "Why is he buying this, what an idiot" no matter what I want to buy.
Does anyone else want to go outside but feel like they're being watched constantly? I feel like if I go outside to wash my car or do yard work all the neighbors and people driving by are watching me. I hate it I want to go outside and do stuff but I only do when I absolutely have to.

I have this exact problem too.
I hate paying a gardening man to mow my lawn. However I just had to because I could not stand the mental torment of that feeling of being watched when I mowed it myself!


Well-known member
This is really funny in a way, because I used to do this really bad. For some reason, before I go outside, I look out the windows to make sure there are no neighbors outside. And I hate leaving the house at the same time one of my neighbors does too. I used to get so paranoid even walking to the mailbox. I used to be real self-conscious when I had to go outside and cut the grass. It isn't so bad now, though


Well-known member
I just remembered something kinda funny...

My classmates last quarter learned to expect to see me with my Skullcandy headphones (Metallica style baby ^_^ ) everyday...

Well one day I was late getting there, and my professor notices me coming into the class and gives me this funny look. So as I quickly shuffled to my seat I gave him the "What?" look and he chuckled. "Its so weird, I didn't realize it was you without those big black headphones on your head."

.... Apparently people think they're attached to me, but I suppose that assumption is plausible.


Active member
I feel the same way about people looking into my house. If I have the shades open I hate walking in front of it. I can't ever keep the shades open for this reason. I even worry about people listening to me if the windows are open so I don't like to do that either.


Well-known member
I feel the same way about people looking into my house. If I have the shades open I hate walking in front of it. I can't ever keep the shades open for this reason. I even worry about people listening to me if the windows are open so I don't like to do that either.

I am the same way. I have the blinds down, but angled open to let light in. My fears of someone looking in my house have unfortunately been confirmed and worsened by a peeping tom. And I was actually doing really well fighting my fear by always having the curtains open in the back part of my house (yay me!!) until one day there he was, in our backyard, looking in at me....I also don't want to be heard. I play piano but I'm always a bit shy that someone will hear me :p I love rainy days for this reason. No one will be out in their yard hearing me play :)


Active member
I am the same way. I have the blinds down, but angled open to let light in. My fears of someone looking in my house have unfortunately been confirmed and worsened by a peeping tom. And I was actually doing really well fighting my fear by always having the curtains open in the back part of my house (yay me!!) until one day there he was, in our backyard, looking in at me....I also don't want to be heard. I play piano but I'm always a bit shy that someone will hear me :p I love rainy days for this reason. No one will be out in their yard hearing me play :)

Wow that's pretty weird to actually see someone looking in at you from your backyard. I haven't ever caught anyone doing it but I just know people do because people are nosey. Why can't people just mind their own business?