Going on vacation with friends...


Well-known member
So I was just talking to a friend of mine and he told me he's heading to Spain with a bunch of his friends for 3 weeks...

And then I go to work and I overheard a colleague talking about how awesome his trip to Vegas was with his buddies...

And here I am thinking...have I *EVER* gone on vacation with friends?! ...NO!
I always go vacationing with my parents...I've never, not ONCE been invited to go somewhere with a bunch of people (except camping, but that was a mass-organized event).

I wonder what it feels like to be around friends...relaxing on vacation :( I feel like I'm really, really missing out on life...big time
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Well-known member
It can be fun...But sometimes it's awful.
You have to be really close with the person/people you're vacationing with. I'm a tacky tourist who wants to see EVERYTHING when I'm in a new place and my friends...well...aren't.
And, I can't vacation with ANYONE for a long time because I get sick of them and just miss being alone.


Well-known member
i've never been on vacation with friends either!! mainly because i get badass anxiety when i'm long distance driving/riding, and because spending the night in a hotel with people would freak me out, too... i mean, i've gone to the beach with my parents and brought a friend or whatever, but i was never ever a part of those "spring break" trips with a big group of people... i'm too scared i'll freak and have a panic attack and be embarrassed and ruin everyone's trip or something =/ lol


Well-known member
It is annoying having to go on vacation with your family as you do feel kind of limited and don't get the same carefree experience as you would going with friends. It's hard to make new memories that way. I went from going on vacation with my parents as a teen to going away with girlfriends instead once I got older. The thing is, that has always felt kind of boring too, as you feel like a retired couple once you get to your destination. I went to Spain two months ago with my girlfriend and it was the same story - we just laid around tanning, shopping, and going to the occasional restaurant or bar. I've never had the feeling of being young and free as I imagine I would if I went away with friends. Not that I have any anyway. ::p:


Well-known member
I've never been on holiday with friends either. In fact I've only ever been on holiday with my family (parents & sister), and the last time I did that was over 20 years ago! I'd love to go away and visit other cultures but don't have the confidence to go it alone. When in my 20's my mates mostly went away on boozing holidays (I don't drink), clubbing all night (no thanks!) and lying on the beach all day (boring...I'd rather sight see/explore). Now most of my mates (in their 30's) go away with their girlfriends/wives. Whenever I have a week or two off work I hate returning and people always asking "did you go away?" and every year I give the same answer..."no". A lot of them don't even bother asking me now which is fine by me.