Go ahead, make 'em smile!


Well-known member
Ok, so I notice these posts are usually about me or us...so I just hafta ask...

What is one nice thing u did or said to someone lately and what can u do tomorrow for someone else?

One thing that helps me with my social phobia is focusing on speaking in a manner and on a topic that makes the other person feel good about him/her self. So in real life, when I speak to someone, I do that - make a comment that is truthful and kind about them. It's great cause it helps with my Social Anxiety as well, and it makes me smile by making them smile :).

the hard part is doing this consistently... it's hard for a social phobic :x

What about you? You didn't share anything... :eek:


Well-known member
Hmmm well true. I don't want to come across "fake" by trying too hard and I'm afraid if I do it one day, they will expect it all the time. I know, weird. But my goal is to make someone feel good everyday. But it can't ALWAYS be the same person. Sometimes I'm just plain snobby. Wanna fix that.


Well-known member
i like this
We get so caught up in our fears and anxiety we never say anything to nice to others so maybe they can return the favor or show that they are friend not foe ):
I will make more of an effort to compliment others or just say nice things to them so that maybe i can start to become more accustomed to that