First off, not that I am going to throw a fit over it or anything, the title of this thread is pretty insulting due to its poor wording and may be the reason there have been some negative accusations to the poster even though they are unwarranted and unfair. It should read beware of pervs who prey on those with SA or something like that, not 'SA pervs', which insinuates a correlation between the two.
Secondly, while I do not believe the poster is faking her outrage in anyway, I know plenty of girls who do like such kind of blatant overt sexual attention from guys whether they outwardly deny it or not. In fact most of the women (much more often the younger ones, because it is more new to them) I have known reveal this once I get to know them.
It is quite different on the internet (as in not as much potential to be appealing) but such behavior in real life is, whether we want to deny it or not, often is a sign of strong confidence. This is why the fact exists that women, especially younger ones, tend to go for the jerks instead of the nice guys: confidence. Obviously extremely overt and crude sexual comments to someone (whether online or real life) is not at all appealing in any way to most anyone.
However at any point in getting to know a person whom you might be attracted to and interested in seeking a more personal relationship with there is usually going to be some flirtation initiated. Some guys may be labeled pervs just because they either aren't good at subtle flirtation even though they have respectful intentions or maybe they just don't understand how to recognize when a girl might be ready for such flirtation. This is especially true in social anxiety disorder because such individuals have very little experience in socialization and feel socially inept to begin with. In the opposite sense it is sometimes just as ridiculous and counterproductive for a girl (or guy) to throw their hands up and be disgusted or offended by even the smallest flirtation. I have experienced this first hand as well and it is extremely insulting and certainly ended the sincere interest I had in the person.
Obviously, common sense should be applied here in terms of what is unacceptable levels of flirtation. For example, in strawberry's post the questions "where do you live? (not like as in whats your street address), "how old are you?" and probably even "what do you look like?"(unfortunately this is something that has to be asked online, although it is more polite to simply ask for a photo first; physical attractiveness is a factor if someone is seeking a relationship partner) are all natural questions, although the last question obviously implies you are romantically interested (that could be insulting to some but at least it makes it clear of the others intentions). Obviously asking for someones dress size is insulting.
Often when I try and talk to a girl I will initially get the rudest most rejecting behavior as if I am just some scumbag (I am talking about real life here). However every girl I have ever gotten the chance to know because they didn't block me out as scum from the get go has become very open and friendly with me because they actually realize I am a caring and sensitive individual.
I just mean to state that while I totally understand many womens' concerns and frustrations with obvious scumbags out there it totally brings to the mind the very real irony that most women do in fact go for assholes (if your not one of them then great) who display variances of these kinds of degrading-to-females behavior rather than nice guys. Not making any criticisms of any of the women in here, just sharing my personal experiences and feelings.