

Well-known member
Ok, so I've experienced an awful lot of this. Most of the time its all in good fun and you just have to sort of laugh it off. However there have been times while I've felt quite humiliated in public by random people abusing the colour of my hair and there's even been times when people have been aggressive.
Just wanted to get peoples opinions on the matter. Why is it deemed acceptable to take the mick out of someone's hair colour? How is insulting hair colour any different to insulting skin colour or sexuality? (All things you don't choose to have and shouldn't feel the need to change for society)
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I remember people would make fun of gingers at my high school, but it was never serious. Is it really that much worse in England?
As to why people think it's acceptable... gingers just aren't a protected group yet. At this point, people thought of as a racist or homophobic are vilified. Somehow, people need to be told that it isn't cool to be mean to gingers either.
When people say mean stuff to you, how do you react?


Well-known member
well red hair is rare compared to other colours. i think people, no matter what it is, tend to dislike or ridicule the unusual. most people are insecure about something about themselves, so when someone different in appearance or whatever comes around its like a target to focus the attention on.
i dont personally understand why people make fun of redheads. i love red hair and think its the most beautiful hair colour (i tried to dye my hair red once, but it didnt work)
but anyways, something that is different stands out and people dont seem to like that. id just say to ignore the comments. theyre nothing personal toward you, people just want something to pick at and to divert the attention off themselves so they feel better.


Well-known member
I don't think that anyone truly thinks that making fun of someone's natural hair color is justified. People can be jerks, and they will find any reason to insult you. You just gotta learn to ignore such comments.

For you it's your hair, someone else his skin color, someone else his sexuality, someone else his job, someone else his accent, someone else his weight, etc. We've all lived it in a way or another.


Well-known member
People in society care about fitting in. People naturally connect more with people who look like them and/or share the same values, personality, interests with them. People who don't look like they fit in get harassed. Redheads are very uncommon (maybe except in Ireland) in most places. So naturally, having red hair makes you stand out and people are bound to pick on you for not fitting in. I'm sure if you die your hair purple or blue or get a mohawk, people will be just as likely to disapprove of you. It's all about fitting in; people point me out for wearing baggy clothes and looking like goth (wearing all black), when the rest of them are wearing good-fitting multicolored clothes.


Well-known member
I remember people would make fun of gingers at my high school, but it was never serious. Is it really that much worse in England?
As to why people think it's acceptable... gingers just aren't a protected group yet. At this point, people thought of as a racist or homophobic are vilified. Somehow, people need to be told that it isn't cool to be mean to gingers either.
When people say mean stuff to you, how do you react?

Usually just laugh it off. Its not the most offensive thing in the world and hardly worth getting annoyed at. I know what your probably thinking, if you laugh it off people will assume it's ok and acceptable. But then again people shouldn't assume its ok to insult people. No matter how pathetic that insult is


Well-known member
I say **** those people, red hair is fairly unique and often beautiful. You should feel proud about being different from the masses.