Sprawling, yeah your right I probably already know. Basically just wanted to say hey to the people that stuck around. Is Mozzart still active?
Yeah I'm still active, good to see you back. I actually don't come on here much
anymore, mostly because I have found what works for me and also there is only so much you can do. Reading or writing new posts every day or every week isn't going to make me sweat less.
What I do:
- 4mg of Avert (Robinul) on an empty stomach if I really needed it.
My stomach has to be really empty (no food for 4 hours) and it gives me
a very dry mouth and throat, but it does stop the sweating for 6 or 7 hours.
- Wear a baseball cap when possible. The Nike Drifit Featherlite cap is amazing, it's super lightweight and breathable and absorbs moisture plus
hides my forehead (I have sweating all over but facial HH is by far the worst. You can hide your hands and feet and even underarms but you can't easily hide your face
- Wear loose, comfy clothing, preferably clothes that breathe well and absorb moisture well like polyster.
- Stay close to air conditioning in the summer
- Go to the bathroom for 10 or 15 minutes to cool off if a bout of sudden
sweating occurs in public
These things help me for the most part. It's not perfect but it makes the sweating manageable. But yeah I don't come here much because there isn't much new information for me to learn and I try not to dwell on my condition, you know? I don't want to obsess over it. About the Avert (glycopyrolate) it has been a God send. But of course I do not use it everyday, only when I really need to. If I'm going to be at home or the weather is cold or I'm not meeting a lot of people, then I don't take it.
For you, I suggest you follow my example but you also need to work on your social anxiety. I get nervous around good looking women too so I know how you feel. For example if there's a beautiful girl looking at me or hanging out with me I feel more self conscious. So you must work on your confidence and you S.A. It can be done. Takes time and determine and research but it's doable. You can also try to build up to it, where you start hanging out a lot with average looking girls to gain more confidence and reassurance, so that after a while even the hot girls don't make you as nervous
P.S. Neither Miami or LA are winning the NBA championship, it's gonna be the Bulls. Especially if D-Rose can get healthy. The Bulls are gonna
dominate this decade