Getting through life


Well-known member
I constantly think in terms of "If I can just get through this (day, week, month, year, decade, life, etc.), everything will be okay." I often wonder if I will continue to feel this way for the rest of my life--there is always something to "get through"--some event which causes stress temporarily. However, the fact that I feel optimistic that my life will improve (and has, after such stressful events have passed), causes me to think maybe eventually I will just enjoy things instead of enduring life until uncomfortable situations are over. Does anyone else feel this way?


Well-known member
I often have some thing or event that I'm fearing and that I just want to be over, and then I can feel better. But the truth is, even when I don't have somthing particular that I'm nervous about, I just find other things to worry about... Like, things in the future that will be horrible to experience...

Even when really good things are happening, I usually think "well this can't go well for much longer... or "soon I'll be depressed or lonely again, so why even enjoy this?"
I wish I could enjoy life more, rather than endure life.
But I think I have become better at enjoying good situations and circumstances.. Yeah I actually think I am better at enjoying things now, than I was when I was younger.


Well-known member
I think the same way 99% of the time. I do have some fleeting moments of sheer happiness that give me hope. But there is always something to worry about. If the thing I am worrying about is not coming up in a day, then maybe its coming next week or next month but deep down I know its coming. When it comes and I get through it I don't give myself credit for managing it well. I just start worrying about something else. Its like a drug I can't get enough of and the dealer is always waiting around the corner to keep my supply going.


Well-known member
I spent a lot of minutes, hours, days wishing I could be someone else. Funny now that my anxiety is at its most severe, I seem to have more elements to my life that I feel a part of. I've probably spent years not feeling a part of my life, to the point of getting that horrible feeling of depersonalisation.

After what happened in my early 40s I am lucky to still be here.
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Well-known member
I think the same way 99% of the time. I do have some fleeting moments of sheer happiness that give me hope. But there is always something to worry about. If the thing I am worrying about is not coming up in a day, then maybe its coming next week or next month but deep down I know its coming. When it comes and I get through it I don't give myself credit for managing it well. I just start worrying about something else. Its like a drug I can't get enough of and the dealer is always waiting around the corner to keep my supply going.

I do the same. If I handle something well, I don't give myself credit for it. Or if something I thought was going to be disastrous, doesn't even turn out so bad, I don't truly feel any relief, I just move my focus to some other worrisome thing...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I do the same. If I handle something well, I don't give myself credit for it. Or if something I thought was going to be disastrous, doesn't even turn out so bad, I don't truly feel any relief, I just move my focus to some other worrisome thing...

Yep, me too... Though, I'm my own worst enemy at the best of times.


Well-known member
I'm starting to worry about things that turn out not to be real. I create these elaborate worrisome scenarios that are fabrications in my mind.
After what happened in my early 40s I am lucky to still be here
Same here. I seemed to JUST "scrape thru" these last 3-4 years, by the-skin-of-my-teeth. Is this the "mid-life crisis" that everyone goes thru, or something else altogether??? (but it seems i've gone thru MAJOR "crises" every year/so starting from my early 20s)


Well-known member
Same here. I seemed to JUST "scrape thru" these last 3-4 years, by the-skin-of-my-teeth. Is this the "mid-life crisis" that everyone goes thru, or something else altogether??? (but it seems i've gone thru MAJOR "crises" every year/so starting from my early 20s)

It was a crisis, a major health crisis, I actually rebuilt myself physically, and created a dream come true by running again.

Lowesthand, takes some strength to survive what you have been through.


Well-known member
I'm used to the annoying habit of worrying about hypotheticals when I get through something, or when something good happens, or when I'm proud of something I've done. It's not a good way to live. Much better to cross bridges upon arrival, if they do come by. We'll literally worry ourselves to death if we keep thinking about what ifs, and at the same time you'll prevent yourself from living. Bad things happen, but so do good things. The amount of energy you spend on being negative (or positive) will influence everything greatly, because it will influence your attitude, your actions, and your outcomes.
I'm used to the annoying habit of worrying about hypotheticals when I get through something, or when something good happens, or when I'm proud of something I've done. It's not a good way to live. Much better to cross bridges upon arrival, if they do come by. We'll literally worry ourselves to death if we keep thinking about what ifs, and at the same time you'll prevent yourself from living. Bad things happen, but so do good things. The amount of energy you spend on being negative (or positive) will influence everything greatly, because it will influence your attitude, your actions, and your outcomes
"What-ifs" are indeed a type of "irrational thinking" (speaking formally, by-the-book here). As is "catastrophising".

Just randomly throwing all this together... :giggle:
Law of relativity: E = mc2
Thinking & beliefs = affects attitude & feelings/mood = affects actions & outcomes
Law of attraction: +ve attracts +ve, -ve attracts -ve
Law of positive thinking?:
. . E(+ve thinking) = 1/3E(+ve attitude) + 1/30E(+ve mood/feelings)
. . E(+ve thinking) = 1/100( m(+ve actions) x m(+ve outcomes) )
Law of negative thinking?:
. . E(-ve thinking) = 1/3E(-ve attitude) + 1/30E(-ve mood/feelings)
. . E(-ve thinking) = 1/100( m(-ve actions) x m(-ve outcomes) )

Very very basic formulae here. Somebody help me out here! :giggle:


No, I think it never will be okay.
First there was years of anxiety and always things to go through. Hated it, but still had high spirits.
Nowdays, when I am not at work, I mostly sit between 4 walls, lonely, nothing to do, bored out of my mind, making me depressed. Is this what I want? no. What do I want? I don't know. But the clock doesn't stop ticking. It seems I am only have two choices for the rest of my life: anxiety or depression. I prefer neither.