getting blocked online


Well-known member
so :/ i was explaining something, but didn't get a chance to finish. i was blocked. it was weird because we made plans to hangout for today and now i can't call or email, anything. I guess i said something that made this person angry somehow..maybe two lines at most. It was about having an innocent day tomorrow? i guess it was an odd comment? but not something to freak out over. i wish i knew what happend. this is really frusterating!! Last time we hung out in real life we had fun..i hate the internet sometimes..maybe this is a common problem who knows....


Well-known member
Unfortunately it is common. It sucks because a lot of time you'll never know why, but that can be freeing in a way. Because you'll never know you won't have to worry about it; it's still hard to let the pain go, though.


Well-known member
I've been blocked by a few people. Hurts for a little while. You might even send them a message and politely ask why if you really don't understand.


Well-known member
I would avoid talking to this person on the net in future, even if you do get unblocked. Just wait a few days and then call, and when you do, make sure you sound easygoing and relaxed so they know that there were no hard feelings on your end. That will take the sting out of it. In any case, the net does suck that way sometimes. Things get blown up or taken out of context because it's often hard to set the right tone and mood while on here.


Well-known member
thanks for the replies. i texted the night of and said "guess you blocked me bye.." never got a response. now, i feel like that text was mean. i should have said "was there a misunderstanding?" it's too late now.. at this point it would look like i'm needy. lesson learned..although it will proabably just happen again sometime haha..