Friends and wanting more


Well-known member
Sorry if I ramble on a bit, not the most interesting topic – I know!

I have a friend who I have known since I was 5, we lost contact for a couple of years through high school but got back in contact about a year ago. He is apparently in love with me and has been for years. The other night he completely freaked out on me – blamed me for his depression and said in a very long winded, hurtful way that he wishes we had never spoke again and basically that I have ruined his life.

I suppose my question to you guys is, why is it that people think they are entitled to lash out so horribly in what can only be described as a tantrum, simply because they aren’t getting what they want?!

People will tell you a few things, they aren’t real friends, don’t let it bother you so much... and a few other things along those lines, so I am well aware of all of that – it really doesn’t help hey! I’m not talking about, you know, 5 guys in my lifetime… I am talking about practically every friend I have ever had.

I pretty much can’t have any male friends, and some female too… There is just always some problem of this sort. I am finding that people don’t see worth in having me as a friend, they would rather walk away if they can’t have exactly what they want. All that means to me is that I am worth nothing without being able to have sex with me. Having this constantly happen is so tiring and confidence crushing and I am beginning to think less and less of myself, I am not anything other than something to f *** – i.e. – worthless.


Well-known member
I've been the one having a secret crush on someone and being rejected. Being friends with the opposite sex means this is going to happen to a few, if not a lot of them.

Don't be too harsh on this guy. He's frustrated because he doesn't understand how being so nice to you and being a good friend hasn't won your heart. You should be nice to him and explain how it won't happen and if he can't handle just being friends, you have to stop talking to him.


Well-known member
I've been the one having a secret crush on someone and being rejected. Being friends with the opposite sex means this is going to happen to a few, if not a lot of them.

Don't be too harsh on this guy. He's frustrated because he doesn't understand how being so nice to you and being a good friend hasn't won your heart. You should be nice to him and explain how it won't happen and if he can't handle just being friends, you have to stop talking to him.


Well-known member
It's unfortunate that your friend reacted that way.
I think you've just had poor luck with friends. I can assure you that not everyone is like that. I know I wouldnt react like that if a girl i liked rejected me, I might be dissapointed but wouldnt blame the other person. Plus if I like a girl its probably because I think of her as a great person and friend, so if she rejects my romantic feelings, oh well, at least I still have a good friend.
I have also seen a family member keep a really good friendship with a girl that turned him down.


Well-known member
Don't be too harsh on him. I doubt that the reason he loves you is because he wants to have sex with you. My guess is he has been depressed for a long time and he thinks that if you're his girlfriend, his life will be better and he won't be depressed anymore, but you reject him and that makes him sink deeper into depression. Therefore, it's not right for him to blame you for his depression. If he can't understand all of that, then I think you should stop talking to him, otherwise he'll just poison your life.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies guys but no one really understood what i said i don't think... i have a boyfriend, that's why attention in this way is not appropriate.. a few of you said not to be too harsh - how come? If i am too nice about it, he will think he can just say whatever he want. I was not in any way rude or mean to him but i was very straight foraward and clear. Nevermind there's more interesting things to read about :)