Fresh start backfires... epically


Active member
Ive hit a new low today, this is really fucking me up guys and I dont know what to do :(
It was first day back at uni, plus I had to work this morning (I work in a call center calling people up to pay their credit cards & home loans, which is bad enough) and I thought it would be a way to start fresh and to try reboot myself, but last night I couldnt sleep, thoughts were racing through my head and I ended up with 2 hours sleep. I get to work and my manager pulls me aside and tells me im a "hopeless cunt" cos I made a mistake with a customer so I worked the rest of my shift with intense feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness but being who I am I just bottled it up. I get to uni and at my first lecture this chick whispers to her friend right in front of me that im a loser and I was gutless enough not to say a thing so for the rest of the class I felt like balling my eyes out while time felt like it was going backwards. Well I ended up missing my second class and walking home about 5km because I didnt want to be seen by anyone on the bus. So here I am feeling lost, numb and worthless constantly re-running different scenarios in my head for how I could have handled those situations differently. Im so fucked up man, I need help :(.
Does anyone else take things to heart too easily?


Well-known member
First of all, if your manager called you a 'useless cunt' then you should go and see your Manager's Manager or your HR department and get him fired. If you are over-exaggerating, which I presume you are, then you should just look at it this way. Everybody makes mistakes and the best way to learn is to make mistakes. I was in customer service and fucked up all the time but it is the only way to learn. Looks like your going to be succesful at Uni and get a decent job anyway and your contact centre job is a great way to learn what it is like in the job market. They cant fire you for making a mistake.

Second, are you sure the girl called you a loser or are you just listening to other people's conversations because you think everyone is talking about you. The girl sounds like a self-centred bitch and trying to impress her friends because she is so insecure.

lasltly, I am at Uni and there is great support networks for students where I am so why not go and pay them a visit. Sounds like you need to get a lot of frustration off your chest - go and see a councillor!

Peace out.


Well-known member
Socially_Retarded said:
Does anyone else take things to heart too easily?

LOL by 'take things to heart too easily' do you mean being called a useless cunt and a loser? I think most human beings would take those to heart. Did your boss actually use those words? If so, why so harsh? And how come the girls in your lecture know you're a loser? Is it a small class? I would've thought you'd have some anonymity in a lecture room.


Active member
I often had days like yours before starting medication and therapy. It has helped me deal with SA better.


Well-known member
All these things are happening because you have sp and it is making you behave in ways that appear foolish to others. Don't take it personally it's not you its the SP which is causing people to react negatively. There's nothing wrong with you.
Reading your most just makes me think, "Wow people can be such GarbageFaces". That's terrible. It is not okay for you have to go through things like this so often? That boss of yours? Ews, what I bitchface. A hopeless cunt? That is ridiculous, I agree with an earlier post saying you talk to whoever is in charge on her, and at least get her back somehow. I know that if anyone ever did anything like this too me, Oh yeah I would take it to heart way too easily, and be really upset. Though actually when reading this it would make me more completely furious, rather than upset.

I'm so lucky, because no one has ever insulted me like that. I really don't know what I would do if they did. If this continues you have to do something about it though. You can't let people get away with this for the rest of their lives. If this keeps happening and you just hold it in, people might just continue abusing you in your vulnerability. I really hope things get better for you, and I'm truely sorry that this ever happened to you.


Well-known member
I would have yelled at your manager if I were you. They had no right to call you that, and you should tell your manager's boss about it.