Forgive my rant


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about all that crap krista. It reminds me of my thread regarding being thin skinned, this is why i don't trust most people.


i never seen that page krista and if i did i would of just ignored it anyway :)
it isnt funny at all

thank the lord for that "deactivate" feature on facebook :) (i use that often)


Well-known member
Well thank you all :)

I had a good talk with the both of them. It's not that I don't know how to take a joke, especially about my ethnicity because I get them ALL the time. I mean, I live in a rural community where I was the darkest person at my school. I know my friends find it hilarious that I'm their only Mexican friend but after a point it gets to be tedious having to listen to it over and over again. After awhile it's kinda like "Don't you have anything else you can talk about?", that just got to me. I know they meant it as a joke and it was made out of love because I can handle it but I also know that there are people out there who will comment about it, who will indeed hate me though they've never met me just for what I am. It's people like that who break my confidence down after a bit. The ones who say it spitefully.

I work very hard to make sure that everyone knows I'm someone they can trust, depend on and I would never do anything to hurt another person intentionally so I don't understand why I get the opposite from friends.