Forced to work ungodly hours on Black Friday!


Well-known member
I have a big dilemma. I'm in school but I also work retail @ Target. It can be very anxiety provoking for me, especially since I work as a cashier and have to talk to so many people, many of whom are very rude...
I wonder sometimes if other people who I work with have anxiety sometimes throughout the day, just about saying hi to people (even nice/average customers)

Anyways...back to the point. My available during the four days/week I don't go to school is 8 am-11pm. Black Friday they put me 145 am-1015 am! Overnight! What pisses me off is they didn't even ask me first, and the next day after that they put me at 8 in the morning, as if nothing happened.

I was hired on the premise that I'm a day worker, not overnight. A supervisor told another employee that "availability doesn't apply to Black Friday". I never was told this at the time of my hire.

I know some people say, be grateful you have a job, suck it up, etc...but this really pisses me off! This is a part time job, I'm a full time student..NOT the other way around. I don't get paid enough for this.

I need advice I am literally dreading that day.... this is not fair..


Active member
That really sucks they aren't as accommodating to your full-time student status. :confused: Have you tried talking to your supervisor about this and the circumstances surrounding it? Another possibility, if they allow it, is getting someone else to cover your shift.


Well-known member
I have a big dilemma. I'm in school but I also work retail @ Target. It can be very anxiety provoking for me, especially since I work as a cashier and have to talk to so many people, many of whom are very rude...
I wonder sometimes if other people who I work with have anxiety sometimes throughout the day, just about saying hi to people (even nice/average customers)

Anyways...back to the point. My available during the four days/week I don't go to school is 8 am-11pm. Black Friday they put me 145 am-1015 am! Overnight! What pisses me off is they didn't even ask me first, and the next day after that they put me at 8 in the morning, as if nothing happened.

I was hired on the premise that I'm a day worker, not overnight. A supervisor told another employee that "availability doesn't apply to Black Friday". I never was told this at the time of my hire.

I know some people say, be grateful you have a job, suck it up, etc...but this really pisses me off! This is a part time job, I'm a full time student..NOT the other way around. I don't get paid enough for this.

I need advice I am literally dreading that day.... this is not fair..

Hi there. If I can play devil's advocate for a second, is the problem you have with the fact that you've been asked to work these hours or is it more the fact that you'll be dealing with so many people on 'Black Friday' (pardon my ignorance but I don't know what Black Friday is, we don't have that phrase in Ireland).

I think you need to seperate the issue, i.e.

- Am I unhappy that I have been asked to work these hours.
- Am I unhappy as I'll have to deal with so many people (you did say that you are dreading the day).

I suppose if you have a genuine issue with the hours, you could mention it to management. I'd say that it doesn't suit with college but if it's an exceptional case then you'll do it..


Well-known member
Hi there. If I can play devil's advocate for a second, is the problem you have with the fact that you've been asked to work these hours or is it more the fact that you'll be dealing with so many people on 'Black Friday' (pardon my ignorance but I don't know what Black Friday is, we don't have that phrase in Ireland).

I think you need to seperate the issue, i.e.

- Am I unhappy that I have been asked to work these hours.
- Am I unhappy as I'll have to deal with so many people (you did say that you are dreading the day).

I suppose if you have a genuine issue with the hours, you could mention it to management. I'd say that it doesn't suit with college but if it's an exceptional case then you'll do it..

good point--I'm not sure exactly; I think it's a combination but probably more about the people thing. I hate crowds,l hate the fact I have to ring up psycho people (cuz who else would shop at that time) all night usually ringing up more merchandise than what I make in a year...*sigh*


Well-known member
hm, do you have safe transport and eg security guards and cameras in the shop?

I had to google up Black Friday too, we don't have it here.. looks like a crowd might be there.. (though maybe with the economy there might be less people too?)

You might ask other people who have worked there longer how it gets for Black Friday, will they be working too, do they have any tips/suggestions?

It seems that some people might just be waiting for coupons/best prices.. (from what I read on Wikipedia..) In our country, some people 'wait' for sales and get there before shop opens too...

Do you know some basics of self-defense? :) You might also wanna have some object such as a table/counter... between you and the shoppers, if you decide to do it? (And there may be more tips from experienced retailers?)

Otherwise you might mention college duties/exams etc. like said above..

Remember the people may be just using credit cards and may go into debt/go broke for this...
You're BRAVE to work in retail anyway!!


Well-known member
hm, do you have safe transport and eg security guards and cameras in the shop?

I had to google up Black Friday too, we don't have it here.. looks like a crowd might be there.. (though maybe with the economy there might be less people too?)

You might ask other people who have worked there longer how it gets for Black Friday, will they be working too, do they have any tips/suggestions?

It seems that some people might just be waiting for coupons/best prices.. (from what I read on Wikipedia..) In our country, some people 'wait' for sales and get there before shop opens too...

Do you know some basics of self-defense? :) You might also wanna have some object such as a table/counter... between you and the shoppers, if you decide to do it? (And there may be more tips from experienced retailers?)

Otherwise you might mention college duties/exams etc. like said above..

Remember the people may be just using credit cards and may go into debt/go broke for this...
You're BRAVE to work in retail anyway!!

lol I like that you looked it up. Yes there are security guards but I just hope people stay at home this year. I'm not ready for this. It's easy for other people, but I'm already obsessing over it :/

Well I just hope it's not too bad...if i'm working that morning shift (dont switch w someone) then i guarantee u I'll be drunk my night time..


Well-known member
If it was me, I would tell my supervisor that I simply could not work those hours. Somehow I've never been fired for doing that, but I'm not suggesting you should take that route unless you're willing to accept that risk.

If you had to work Black Friday during the day, don't you think you'd have to deal with even MORE people than overnight?

FWIW, I know a lot of people that do the middle-of-the-night shopping on Black Friday. None of them are crazy, at least in the sense that you need to worry. ;)

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
That sucks. I really feel for you. I wouldn't want to work Black Friday either. It gets crazy. I have never shopped on that day but others have told me about it. Retail is just the worst really. I have done it for so many years and the abuse I have gotten from customers is unreal. I don't think I could ever handle working retail again. Just remember you don't have to deal with rude, abusive people. Don't be afraid to call your manager to deal with the "special cases", that is why they get paid the big bucks, or even security.

The only way you could probably get out of working that day is if you play the SA card. Otherwise, you'd probably get fired ::(: Hang in there. You can do it. The day will probably go by fast 'cause of all the ringing up you will do.


Well-known member
Have you told them about your day working agreement?
Its not fair, so you should tell them.. that you cant. Maybe they can get a replacement.


Well-known member
well, i switched with someone and now i'm working 8 am to 430 pm or something. Better, still early for me but eh...i think i'm mostly extremely worried about dealing with so many people now.

but the overnight thing...intrusive.

the american shopping culture gone awry and while we should be celebrating thanksgiving, we do this.


Well-known member
my store is only closed 3 days a year - thanksgiving, christmas, and easter

i get two days off this week, and one of them is thanksgiving day

fortunately, i only have to work 8-5 on friday and saturday

(but then again, i wrote the schedule)

the worst part is having to turn on the christmas music on friday