For Dottie


Hey Dottie, you asked me about being a gardener last night, unfortunately I could not reply, apparently I exceeded my 7 posts in a 24 hour period

Which seems crazy but there you go. I have always been a gardener, Since before I left high school, unfortunately these days you do need loads of horticulture exams, well you need loads of proof of anything in the UK these days....who are you? I am so and so.. Yes but can you prove it?.... because another government department just left a memory stick on a train somewhere and now we don't know who anybody is :roll: .

Seriously Dottie if being a waitress is getting you down please don't wait until you snap... I know it is what people like us do but just take a breather.. talk to your closest friend/partner.. Or if you can just walk away from it.


Well-known member
When the going gets tough, just quit. thats the best adivice ive ever heard. i mean my god! theres the answer to all my problems, ive been so wrong...i dont like it...i just quit. excellant.

if i find being a parent hard. quit
i dont like my job which pays the rent. quit
i dont like life. just quit.

excellant mate!!!! why make anything out of yourself...when u can just quit. i like it.


You really are a poisonous little thing arnt you, no problem, I have held worse things than you by the back of the head.

This post is for Dottie, but you couldn't resist could you? Go for it.. come back to this and make yourself look more stupid than you already do.

Dottie, this isn't about quitting, it is about knowing what is best for you, so you don't take to big a bite..and choke....I trust that you will do what you need to do to keep living... I think you know what I mean.. and no I am not a Jesus freak or anything like that...And for that sniper who has turned her scope on me.. your best bet is to not fuck with me


Well-known member
its not poiseness to encourage people not to quit there job lol what world do you live in mate? im not stalking u for abuse or anything, just put a comment on the post.
you've had SA for 28 years...and ur best method is to quit hmmmm. sounds more like u would just prefere people to also be where u r in 28 years time, rather than offering guidence, not saying i am. but in this particular post, im not claiming too.

i guess i have fucked with you......should i shit my pants now or have i got time to get to the nearest toilet? ....woops there its goes. lol


you were just waiting there wernt you? waiting to pounce... Firstly I would point out that Dottie asked me a question..and I answered... So what the fuck has it got to do with you?... nothing other than your need to dominate this forum.

Yes I have suffered from this illness for 28 years I believe there is no cure just a way to live with it.. My interest is in giving people some hope that they can survive this, and work around it, what exactly is your major malfunction?...
come on sweetheart we can play this game for ever you will get bored before i do


Where i am 28 years later is living with the woman of my dreams, in a house that has the best views you could imagine and a whole load of people who love me.....cos they know who and what i am


Well-known member
you havent spoke to me before have you, i dont get bored of debating. and i always win. im still waiting to see what ur gonna do after the 'u dont wanna fuck with me comment' i doubt u would say that out in the street, you would probs put a paper bag over ya head hahaha!

your life sounds nice mate, thats good, i dont wish people to have shit lives. yeh same ere really, got family, mates, job, uni, money, good looking and i can continue. but then that would be blowing my own trumpet wouldnt it, but then if you gonna march a one man parade, i might as well do it too, except mine wil probs come with a one man band too.

my point is still what it originally was, that quiting is not an option. but put it this was, did quiting get ur house, the people who love u, and ur mrs? i doubt it, u probs invested alot of time into it. point proven.



you haven't spoke to me before have you, i don't get bored of debating. and i always win. im still waiting to see what ur gonna do after the 'u dont wanna fuck with me comment' i doubt u would say that out in the street, you would probs put a paper bag over ya head hahaha!

hahaha, your nasty little comment just proves what a shit you are, trying to score points from what little you have learned from this illness. Cos your to stupid to learn.

In later years it causes irratability and aggression, paper bag be fucked if i met you Id put a plastic bag on your head and pull it tight.

you are such a bully and in this playground you can have fun.. but I am much older and wiser than you


Well-known member
wow. im amazed how long it didnt take for you to shoot yaself in the foot. ur hole arguement mate has been based on how mature u r, and how immature i am, yet ur sayin in the street u would kill me with a plastic bag?? ahaha thats the most childish thing ive ever heard, good one mate!!!
that shit is so dumb, that even in the playground kids would laugh at you for its utter stupidity.

plus i dont see how that comment has any relation to social phobia??? so how can it show my lack of knowledge of social phobia? i was just calling u a pussy mate...thats all....if ur wise, then fuck being wise coz ud sound like a prick.


Well-known member
Yo shaun probs woulda been best to do this over pm lol, i mean in any other forum people would just shut the hell up and let you speak but here....your gonna get some numpty trying to piss on your face.


Well-known member
Shaun said:
Hey Dottie, you asked me about being a gardener last night, unfortunately I could not reply, apparently I exceeded my 7 posts in a 24 hour period

Which seems crazy but there you go. I have always been a gardener, Since before I left high school, unfortunately these days you do need loads of horticulture exams, well you need loads of proof of anything in the UK these days....who are you? I am so and so.. Yes but can you prove it?.... because another government department just left a memory stick on a train somewhere and now we don't know who anybody is :roll: .

Seriously Dottie if being a waitress is getting you down please don't wait until you snap... I know it is what people like us do but just take a breather.. talk to your closest friend/partner.. Or if you can just walk away from it.

hey shaun, thanks for your message. please ignore that marie character altogether. she/he is not worth wasting your 7-post-per-day-limit on. the content of their posts + the quality of their language makes me suspect they are a juvenile. it is clear that their motive on coming to this board is not constructive, but to get a rise out of people.

i am going to counseling this week. i broke down and asked a family member for help because i seriously felt like i was at a breaking point. hopefully this will provide guidance and a better perspective on things to help me make the right choices. i don't want to be the typical weakling/quitter- that's why i've pushed myself to stick it out so long despite the conflict with my anxiety. but different jobs are better suited for some personality types. it is difficult to find a job with flexible hours [around school] that will also suit my personality. so, yeah, anyway, i hope therapy can help me make the right choices for my situation. thanks again!

feel free to pm me, too.


Well-known member
Hi Shaun. How's it goin? Having a tiff with a certain douche-bag, I see. Well, don't be disheartened. Your advice to Dottie was sound. There's no shame in realizing your limitations. Quite the opposite, actually. It takes a big person to realize they're pushing themselves outside of what's reasonable. An even bigger person to resolve this issue. It isn't about quitting, as some will berate you for. Those who do, are missing the point entirely. It's about knowing your limitations and knowing when to make a necessary change- for your health & well-being.

If the situation you're currently in has become too stressful and too demanding, at this point in your life, you should not be made to feel badly. Instead, recognize the strength it takes to acknowledge this and to DO something about it. Many, many, Many people would prefer to sit idly by, knowing their situation needs changing, rather than risk loosing the security they feel by Not changing. All you must do is be PROactive rather than REactive. We all know full well when what we're doing is proactive or reactive. If you're being REactive, change. If you're being PROactive, continue.

I have 2 dogs, one of which shows signs of aggression occasionally. I came about this article and found it pertains not only to my dog but also to some peps online.... Isn't that funny how that happens? You're reading a miscellaneous article and "Wa La" it needs to be posted elsewhere! I've highlighted the most pertinent parts of the article but, enjoy the rest.

The appearance of aggression in a pup as young as 5 weeks is normal, however, if such aggression is excessive (towards its littermates) or is directed towards humans it should be considered to be inappropriate. This statement is as true for guarding or hunting breeds as it is for any other breed. Even where the purpose is to produce working dogs, an excessive reactionary position is highly undesirable as it tends to produce unreliable dogs which are often triggered by stimuli which are not consistent with their training. In cases of excessive or inappropriate aggression it is considered by the author to be a maladaptive usage of a normal defense mechanism (Freud) and as a result is seen as evidence that the dog is emotionally disturbed and in need of treatment.

Aggressive displays are triggered by the presence of negative emotions such as fear... It is within this area that treatment must be directed and in a greater majority of case’s where the cause of the behavior can be found. Many environmental influences will have had an impact on the pup in this area by the time it leaves the sensitive period known as the socialization period (5 to 12 weeks, Scott and Fuller 1965 et al) and begins the juvenile developmental stage. Factors such as maternal behaviors of the dam, aggressive behaviors displayed by the dam in the pup’s presence... peer interactions and amount of exposure to stressors all impact the dogs developing reactivity to negative emotions.


Well-known member
lol, you didnt have to put the bit in the beginning, posting nicely on my topic then calling me names on another, very....two faced. i like it.

dottie, i did feel for you when you put about crying to a family memeber, life ent east sometimes, im not a complete cunt that i dont feel others pain! but at the same time if your gonna stop at your limitations because its too hard, how to expect to move beyond them?

this is not harsh. this is truth. you can either:

quit. sit at home.
stick it out and just make do.
or look for new job, and leave once you find a new one.

when you quit at your limitations you cant complain that your unable to do anything, sorry but that just dont happen. there r limitations and there are obsicals. this is an obstical. becuase somewhere within you, you are capable of feeling comfortable within your own skin. we all are.

if i was a cunt i would tell you your doomed and have no hope so just quit yeh.

im not. so im telling you to use some streangh and hang on.


Well-known member
Hey sweetheart, I actually posted that reply AFTER I posted this one. Funny how you knew who I was talkin' about though. Plain and simple, I think you're a complete cunt bag. Ask me on any given forum or thread, my answer will be the same.

Clear? No? Let me try speaking in your native tongue.

Woof. Woof woof woof.

Now do you understand??

Fetch girl....


Well-known member
lol wot the fuck u on about? dont matter wether ur nice first then a cunt, or a cunt then nice, its stil two faced that was a pretty stupid point wasnt it?

i know you dont like me love, concidering only 2 of us were speaking the hole way through, and u said hi to shuan and called the other one a doosh bag? (i thought u were british not americain?) it was preety straight foward to work out, so dont flatter yaself love.

aint it funny how you know the language as well? ahaha! i must say u speak it much more fluent than me an all. mine would be more of a ..wooo ...wooo......fff? im still learning. seems like ur pretty fucking far gone love, maybe u can teach me?

yeh and i think your just a twat, you always call me names in everyone else arguements with me where ya names not even mentioned, coz u like to get involved...every single fucking time.

thats the worst type. atleast im a up front cunt. better than bein the twat thats like 'yeh...yeh' when there mate is havin a arguement. i guess u have no mates, so u do it here instead.

shame. coz i bet ur so interesting as well.


Well-known member
btw why was it that tonight...u only posted in topics i was talking in...hmmm.....

i have said before that ur abit of a stalker.


Well-known member
Sigh, why I wading into this...

Guys, you're both only trying to help :roll:

My two cents is this: Quitting is bad. But that doesn't have to mean that we have to do everything now. Look at what I do as a job - I don't speak to the public at work. I work with nine other people, and that's enough for now.

Before I had this job I worked on the bar at a pub. I stayed for one day! Maybe I shouldn't have quit? Well, one summer before that I had worked at the weekends helping at a garden centre. That involved being around the public all the time and occasionally having to talk to them. Did that help? No, no really.

Now I'm not saying that I haven't got a problem any more, I'm faaaaar, faaaaar away from that, I still haven't been out with anyone and I still have no friends. But I'm glad I quit the pub job after a day.

All I'm saying is that maybe being a waitress is too much too soon Dottie - why not try to get a job at a small office or something like that? Maybe different people need to do it different ways, but in my humble opinion, there's no need to fix everything at once. Gradually work your way up and maybe in a couple of years time, you'll be able to go back to being a waitress and you'll find it just that little bit easier.

Hope that made sense and sorry if that's got nothing to do with anything, I stopped reading properly after the first few posts ;)