
Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
do you guys get fixated on stuff? or if thats not the right word, stuck on stuff i guess? i do all the time. on anything from a poet to eating only a particular food for months at a time, or on one song that you cant help but listening to over and over.
what do you guys get stuck on?


i do that with songs all the time, thats my inspiration sometimes to get out of bed.
cause then i can fire on utube and listen to them FOR REAL :)


Well-known member
i do this for bands i will listen to the same band for a week or i will watch the same tv series and spw of course :D


Well-known member
I've been reading WWII books almost exclusively for the past year or so. Sometimes I get stuck on a band and have to go back and listen to as much of their music as I can.

And sometimes I get the notion that I'm gonna modify some of my guitars, effect pedals, or amps and start planning out what I'm gonna do. The lack of money for new pickups & parts keeps me from modifying my youngest guitar. And it's my lack of much needed electric theory that keeps me out of my pedals and amps.

And just when World War II was getting a bit stale for me, HBO comes out with another WWII series that renews my interest. For example, I haven't read anything about the war in the Pacific that doesn't involve the U.S. And I'm developing an interest in WWII-era music. And I'd really hate to get stuck on Nazi marching songs for a week. Rather, my ethnically diverse neighborhood would really hate it....



Well-known member
I do this. I will get some half-baked idea, like "Hey, I bet I could build my own motorcycle from some of these old bicycles and snowblower engines I have lying around!" Then I'll spend weeks, months, researching and planning how to do it. I spend all my free time mulling it over, etc.

I supposed it would be ok if I ever got around to actually finishing one of the projects, but I always chicken out....afraid of failing to create the perfect masterpiece I envision.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i do this for bands i will listen to the same band for a week or i will watch the same tv series and spw of course :D

yeah, i get stuck on one group at a time, and to the terror of my roomates play only that person for weeks. im better about it now though! headphones. i was stuck on van morrison for so long, that now i can hardly listen to him.

as for you coyote, i know my father did that exact same thing big time, ive still got all his crap from when he was hell bent on building a helicopter


Video games..Music,I tend to listen to a new song/album I like until I end up not being able to listen to it any more.

Food!If I try something new and really like it,I eat it way too often and get sick of it.

Hobbies,I might get a bit obsessed with drawing one month,decide to buy some fancy new stuff,half the time I don't use it for ages.
I definitely get "fixated" on things- certain bands and/or songs, authors, TV shows, etc. It's almost like I can only have a very narrow range of interests at any given time. My son is autistic, I'd bet it was my genes... but I'm not autistic myself, the narrow interests is the only characteristic of autism that I have.


Well-known member
im fixated with this telli tubbi suit , i think remus super glued it on , i even have to go to work init now ::eek::