Finding it hard to Re-visit shops because u'd be recognised


Well-known member
Do you guys find it extremely difficult or worrying to visit a certain shop or place, within a mall or shopping complex - simply because of the shop owners ?
Because the last time you visited them, and were maybe asking about a product or inquiring about something.. but were just so tensed up and nervous at the time while talkin to them or halfway thru, that they gave you funny looks (or you thought of them to be thinking so), and seemed suspicious of you.. such that they just notice you more and you feel it too. :x

and you just feel quite afraid of visiting it again, simply because of the looks they're going to give you after recognising you if you go back, as though you're some weirdo/nervous freak.. and the odd-toned conversation you might have if you want to inquire about something.
or simply just get so tensed when they look at you - probly thinkin you wanna steal.. :?

BUT you So wanna go to that place to shop, cos it has the stuff you wanna get or buy, and would love to just spend more time hanging around and browsing or looking at the stuff, which is too difficult with sa. :?
And moreover you can't just take the stuff, throw the money on the counter and run outta there..LoL.. that'd just be weird.. and too attention-attracting.

I've run out of ideas. any suggestions?


Well-known member
One of my irrational thoughts when shopping is that the shop assistants will immediately think I'm a shoplifter when they see me wondering around. I find it so hard to relax in shops, and if any of the assistants are friendly and ask whether they can help me, I usually end up wanting to rush out.

I also find it very difficult to go back into the same shop on the same shopping trip. If a do, its usually a catalyst for the above irrational thought.


I think alot of the secruity guards think I'm thieved something. They always look at me and give me that look as if I have. :lol:

Maybe because I am young, but i think its probably because I look nervous as if I have stolen something


ha ha, unbelieveable. i actually thought i was the only one in the world who had all these thoughts until i find this website.


Active member
yeah i have this problem, but just with this one place. My best friend and I are addicted to this low fat soft serve ice cream thats called glace. Well, we've been going to this place in our town for years, and during the summer, like everyday. Well i've developed a problem where i cant go in there without her because i'm embarrissed that the same workers see me there sooooo much. So if i want to get the ice cream i either bribe my brother to go in and pick it up for me or just wait until my friend can go with me. Its really sad! My mom thinks i'm silly for being embarissed to go in there by myself, and that they probably love me cuz i give them soo much business lol


Well-known member
sweet4certain said:
yeah i have this problem, but just with this one place. My best friend and I are addicted to this low fat soft serve ice cream thats called glace. Well, we've been going to this place in our town for years, and during the summer, like everyday. Well i've developed a problem where i cant go in there without her because i'm embarrissed that the same workers see me there sooooo much. So if i want to get the ice cream i either bribe my brother to go in and pick it up for me or just wait until my friend can go with me. Its really sad! My mom thinks i'm silly for being embarissed to go in there by myself, and that they probably love me cuz i give them soo much business lol

yea, i'm wondering what's it about this SA and not being able to be seen by the people in the shops and feeling so uncomfortable about it.
I'm working on changing my thoughts now and trying different things.

how about you sweet4certain?

Are any of you guys working on any methods or ways you plan to use for this? do share :eek:



Well-known member
IceLad said:
One of my irrational thoughts when shopping is that the shop assistants will immediately think I'm a shoplifter when they see me wondering around. I find it so hard to relax in shops, and if any of the assistants are friendly and ask whether they can help me, I usually end up wanting to rush out.

I also find it very difficult to go back into the same shop on the same shopping trip. If a do, its usually a catalyst for the above irrational thought.

haha i feel this way too, its crazy

But if i feel uncomfortable in a shop then its going to lose my buisness. They shouldnt have snooping guards watchin your everymove if they value you as a customer


Active member
hey brownbag.. well.. i actually was really craving the ice cream yesterday and i decided, what the hell, i'm just gonna go in and get some on my own. So i ordered it before hand, drove there, and went in by myself and got it. And you know what, NOTHING AWFUL HAPPENED! I survived! They didnt look at me all funny and wonder what the hell i was doing there again, everyone who works there knows me by now, so when i walked in one of the shop workers went and got my order from the freezer, smiled and said hello, i paid and left. It took all of 2 minutes, while i was agonizing over it for hours before. When i got back in my car, i was proud of myself in a way, and i realized how silly it was for me to be so worked up over such a simple thing. And on top of everything, the ice cream was especially delicious this time. :D


Well-known member
i had this problem too but got over it by thinking 'im only one of hundreds of customers going to this store today, they have absolutely no desire to look at me and judge me'.


Well-known member
sweet4certain said:
hey brownbag.. well.. i actually was really craving the ice cream yesterday and i decided, what the hell, i'm just gonna go in and get some on my own. So i ordered it before hand, drove there, and went in by myself and got it. And you know what, NOTHING AWFUL HAPPENED! I survived! They didnt look at me all funny and wonder what the hell i was doing there again, everyone who works there knows me by now, so when i walked in one of the shop workers went and got my order from the freezer, smiled and said hello, i paid and left. It took all of 2 minutes, while i was agonizing over it for hours before. When i got back in my car, i was proud of myself in a way, and i realized how silly it was for me to be so worked up over such a simple thing. And on top of everything, the ice cream was especially delicious this time. :D

hey, that's good to hear. congrats on that. :eek: keep those spirits up yea.

dzerklis said:
i had this problem too but got over it by thinking 'im only one of hundreds of customers going to this store today, they have absolutely no desire to look at me and judge me'.

yea true, that's rational and i do see it that way sometimes too. but i still do find some shop owners notice me alot and pay attention to my every move when i'm in there. that's one crappy side of it.. but yea..gotta work around those thoughts.
thanks for sharing your opinion though. :D



Well-known member
brownbag said:
but i still do find some shop owners notice me alot and pay attention to my every move when i'm in there.

well yes they do stare sometimes, but i always remind myself that its because they dont have anything else to stare at, that is, i try not to take it personally.


Well-known member
or perhaps they are looking at you because they want to make a sale and are trained to approach customers to ask for help, that all thats on their minds most of the time


Yeah i tend to worry about going to the same sorta places on a frequent basis.. for the same reasons (i feel i acted weird or somthing the last time i was in and they find me amusing or judge me ect..).

But i have to go to alot of the places i go frequently.. so it does get a little easyier the more you do it.. well it does for me.This cafe me and my mum go to.. at first i thought everyone was looking at me etc.. could hardly speak.Few months later.. im ordering myself with confidence and yesterday in the same place.. one of the really cute waitress kept on smiling and looking at me all the time i was there and made a point of saying bye to me as i went :)


Well-known member
i hate going anywhere like designer clothes shops or boutiques cos i always feel like they looking at me and thinking why r u in ere! lol!
I also hate goin in shops where there is loadsa ppl i kno or where someone works that i kno..which is quite a few shops! lol!
Another thing i hate is if there is some fit lad behind the counter cos knowin me il end up flappin and look like a total tit!


I work on the till and customer service area in a major retail shop. Its just a part time job while im at uni. I find it hard to seem calm and not nervous while serving so many different people. Im usually ok but when theres a que of waiting customers and for example for some reason or another im the only person on till there could be about 10-15 people in the que obviously looking at you to see when they will be served. Working on customer service is worse though as it can take 10 minutes (maybe more sometimes) to solve a persons problem. Where i work is constantly busy also which dosent help as theres no restbite. I surpose its quite a bad part time job for someone with SA... but it pays well and im at uni so need the money.


Well-known member
When I see security guards in shops, I can't help but panic and feel guilty even though I just shopping!! From their point of view, I must therefore look suspicious to them, and then they start to follow me.



Well-known member
Re: Finding it hard to Re-visit shops because u'd be recogni

Hum, I sort of relate, the only thing I notice different in my case is that I don't think I have to embarrass myself first.

Like I stop and get breakfast on my way to work. But I am really kind of boring about food and tend to get like the exact same thing every day. So what I will notice is store clerks who see me every day start to know exactly what I am going to buy. And then say I do buy something different they will say like, "What no banana today?" or "Oh, you must be really hungry this morning" or "Why don't you try a different sandwich?"

I think they are just trying to be friendly. But it makes me nuts! I don't know why. Maybe because I just don't like knowing that someone is paying that much attention to me. But I have got to the point where I actually get food in the morning from like 4 different places during the week so I only show up like once a week to buy my freakishly similiar food.
Re: Finding it hard to Re-visit shops because u'd be recogni

Snowcrash said:
Hum, I sort of relate, the only thing I notice different in my case is that I don't think I have to embarrass myself first.

Like I stop and get breakfast on my way to work. But I am really kind of boring about food and tend to get like the exact same thing every day. So what I will notice is store clerks who see me every day start to know exactly what I am going to buy. And then say I do buy something different they will say like, "What no banana today?" or "Oh, you must be really hungry this morning" or "Why don't you try a different sandwich?"

I think they are just trying to be friendly. But it makes me nuts! I don't know why. Maybe because I just don't like knowing that someone is paying that much attention to me. But I have got to the point where I actually get food in the morning from like 4 different places during the week so I only show up like once a week to buy my freakishly similiar food.

I can relate lol, when I was working at my last job I used to always get the same thing for lunch everyday from a sandwich shop and they used to joke about how I'd always get the same thing, and was so predictable, I just laughed and asked if they were that bored that they noticed lol! Made me feel self conscious, but the only other vegetarian option they had were cheese sandwiches, not my thing lol and I don't see why I shouldn't eat what I want anyway! :p


Well-known member
omg i can so relate
unfortunately i've gone to extreme measures to avoid being recognised. like once i went into a shop in disguise as a witch, which was my old halloween outfit. i got loads of looks but no one actually said anythin not even the shop owner who's always got somethin to say when he sees me.


Well-known member
MariahCarey said:
omg i can so relate
unfortunately i've gone to extreme measures to avoid being recognised. like once i went into a shop in disguise as a witch, which was my old halloween outfit. i got loads of looks but no one actually said anythin not even the shop owner who's always got somethin to say when he sees me.

haha this made me laugh, imagining how it all could looklol, i hope youre having fun now too thinking about it :)