Siberdib said:I work on the till and customer service area in a major retail shop. Its just a part time job while im at uni. I find it hard to seem calm and not nervous while serving so many different people. Im usually ok but when theres a que of waiting customers and for example for some reason or another im the only person on till there could be about 10-15 people in the que obviously looking at you to see when they will be served. Working on customer service is worse though as it can take 10 minutes (maybe more sometimes) to solve a persons problem. Where i work is constantly busy also which dosent help as theres no restbite. I surpose its quite a bad part time job for someone with SA... but it pays well and im at uni so need the money.
I can totally relate to that
i used to do a job that required handling the registers and also the customer service point. n it was also quite much like how u described Siberdib. i got so exhausted from the anxiety it gave. especially when there were those 10-15 ppl standing there looking at u. some intense shit going on there. heh.. :wink: