feeling really ill!

im feeling absolute **** right now...i have family coming to visit me from out of state theyre only about an hour away now and i feel like having a panic attack...how do i handle them staying with me for 3 days? what if they judge me by how i live and if my flat is too clean or too messy or smelly? what if they ask me all kinds of ridiculous questions like what im doing with my life (nothing at the moment) and i cant respond? i feel so ill right now i can pass out and i cant stop sweating,,,im so tired of living like this!


Well-known member
You’ll do alright! They are family so if you have had encounters with them before they have probably already passed all their judgments about you already and are still wanting to come back to stay with you, you are doing better then what you think.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you're feeling. I have those same thoughts in my head whenever I know family members are going to be around, especially when I'm going to have to be with them. Good Luck :) I hope everything goes well.