feeling guilty when not coming out


Does anyone feel guilty when people ask to go out and do something but you refuse to go because you don't feel like coming out?
Saying no to a person one time is ok I guess, but saying no over and over again really feels like I'm hurting that person because I don't satisfy to his/her needs.


Well-known member
I feel the same. I think we do hurt their feelings, but if they really know you, I think they understand.. Nope, they don't, nobody does.


Well-known member
It depends on the person who's asking me. And generally, only 2 or 3 people frequently ask me to hang out with them, and most of the time I agree.

But, the person I frequently turn down...I do feel bad. Most of the time, though I don't feel bad for them, I feel bad for myself. I feel stupid that I'd rather be at home watching a movie and knitting or going out with my family than socializing with friends.


Well-known member
Yes :(

I don't get invited out that often, so when I am, I just get anxious because I know they're not going to enjoy my company.
I feel the same. I think we do hurt their feelings, but if they really know you, I think they understand.. Nope, they don't, nobody does.

How can they really understand unless they really know you? And how can they really know you unless you spend time with them?
Yes :(

I don't get invited out that often, so when I am, I just get anxious because I know they're not going to enjoy my company.

The sad truth is they won't enjoy your company if you stay quiet the whole time. Not because they don't like you, but because they think you don't like them. I lost a lot of potential friends before I finally realised that.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I feel guilty very often about this. My fellow and daughter are very out-doorsy and of course I love them and want to spend time with them as much as I can so I feel terrible when I can't just bring my self to leave the house. They try so hard to get me out too...of course I do sometimes, but not usually during the day as that's when most people are out and about. I've been getting worse actually.