Feel like my skull is crushing my brain... Anyone else?


Well-known member
Anyone frequently suffer from head outchies? Do you feel like your head is stuffed with cotton? Do you feel like you can't get enough oxygen to your brain; mental confusion, poor short term memory; suck at math. Do you sound like Al Pacino after taking a blow to the head from a heavy weight boxer??? Do you get really dizzy and nausiated after a work-out; feel like your going to die?
I get headaches like that. They can last for two or three days at a time. I believe they're mostly from the chemicals and smoke I work around in that stupid factory and my gas mask is probably 1950's army surplus which don't help much. I'm in the market for a career change before I get lung cancer or something.


^^^^^^^^^^Ouch! You work at a factory, Jc? That's gotta be tough! I heard that's a very very very stressful job. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hi Hexagon Sun!

I feel like all of those things, especially the nausea, short-term memory, sucking at math, and feeling like I'm going to die whether its before, during, or after workouts. Well, I think a part of that may be due to lupus and a host of other illnesses that I am cursed with. :(


Well-known member
^^^^^^^^^^Ouch! You work at a factory, Jc? That's gotta be tough! I heard that's a very very very stressful job. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hi Hexagon Sun!

I feel like all of those things, especially the nausea, short-term memory, sucking at math, and feeling like I'm going to die whether its before, during, or after workouts. Well, I think a part of that may be due to lupus and a host of other illnesses that I am cursed with. :(

Lupus... Isn't that latin for... wolf? Is that why you selected your pro pic? I also enjoy the band Wolf Mother.

You know you're a woman
You got to be a woman
I got the feeling of love...

^^^^^^^^^^Ouch! You work at a factory, Jc? That's gotta be tough! I heard that's a very very very stressful job. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hi Hexagon Sun!

I feel like all of those things, especially the nausea, short-term memory, sucking at math, and feeling like I'm going to die whether its before, during, or after workouts. Well, I think a part of that may be due to lupus and a host of other illnesses that I am cursed with. :(

Stressful on the body, open the door to walk inside and clouds of green smoke comes boiling out the door. And since we do contract work for the national laboratories (Los Alamos, Oak Ridge) O.S.H.A. don't inspect the place or they'd surely be shut down. Lupus? Ouch!


Well-known member
Doctor's won't perform surgery on me; pills make matters worse; I eat as healthy as possible ;more veg less meat and meditate on ideas.
So I reckon Tylenol or anything over the counter won't help? It does nothing for mine. Never tried meditating.


Well-known member
Some pain is so chronic and unatural, you'll end-up destroying your liver from taking pain killers all the time to deal with it. If you want to live, manage with out them, until a "real" cure comes along... Don't hold your breath though.

P.S. The cure is always worse than the illness. I see now they are offering botchalism (one of the deadliest toxins known to man) as a treatment for headaches... It probably eats away at your brain.


Migraines ruled my world

A cycle of general life affecting the other in loops forever

The pain afterwards was nicer because it might fade in a few hours. The worst was on the onset of visual, auditory and tactile mayhem

It was one eye or the other, that felt the surrounding tissue was crushing it. Lotta tears. Two girlfriends did care for me and looked after me well.

The best relief (not chemical) for years was a blue gel in a floppy bag: NEXCARE for hot or cold. It adapts to the head and pillow shape to fold around. Still ready in my freezer, unused. Better than codeine or both. It takes an unpleasant freeze to apply and put up with. It's worth the extra pain. It speeds recovery

Know of cluster headaches? It doesn't mean regular. The description I remember was using a heavy old-fashioned telephone to batter the head to get rid of the pain, or seriously this: :kickingmyself:
I did do this in Verbania Hospital in Italy during epilepsy, assertively using the floor under my bed and then moving the bed away to bash my skull against the back wall. That was a long time ago. Pics of the crushed nose

All headaches have disappeared! I don't expect any more. If they return I will handle that easily!

But I'm sure my trouble is embedded. No person has seen my headaches and I haven't said a word. Now I'm fit for much better life with work & relationships

BUT while I'm confident with that, I will be judged by not being perfect from birth to now. I know my current constant state is at a peak. Any little glitch in life will show to anyone with a bird's eye perspective with no individual respect. Any hint of lack of friends or employment and general outlook IS transparent. Poked by inquisition, my feelings emerge clearly. I wish I could fix that exposed nerve reaction

Even today, a big horsefly going around my head and room reminds me of a migraine trigger, and coffee probably did. OK for now
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Staff member
I suffer from chronic migraine and get similar symptoms yeah.

Try cutting down on caffeine and see if that makes a difference.


Well-known member
I suffer from chronic migraine and get similar symptoms yeah.

Try cutting down on caffeine and see if that makes a difference.

I tried completely doing away with caffiene for a couple of months and it does decrease the severity of the headaches, but they never completely go away. It's not just headaches, its just this general feeling of being f**d-up and foggy all the time. I've never had a clear headed day in my life.


Well-known member
Do you feel like you can't get enough oxygen to your brain; mental confusion, poor short term memory; suck at math.

Try exercise, not intense one but could be something light or moderate like fast-paced walking for 10 minutes. Exercise will get blood and oxygen flowing through your entire body, including your brain. It certainly made a difference for me. I used to be inactive and thus, often felt slow and dull. But after exercise I feel more refreshed and awake.


Well-known member
Do you have sinus infection problems?

I've had sinus infections before, and they are terrible, but this feels different. I experience acute pain with sinus infections; my regular headaches are a more of a dull pain. My forehead feels sore all the time. It gets worse with increased worry or mental activity. When my headaches get really bad so does the mental confusion or mind fog. Feels more like my brain is underwater than fog. Sometimes i experience whats called aboulia which is when you lose the ability to make decisions. My recall is that of an elderly man. It's not that i have a bad memory, it just takes me longer to reconstruct (recall) memories than most people. I've had people often ask me if I smoke a lot of pot, which I don't at all. I'm not a perma-stoner! Needless to say this makes socializing rather challenging... I think it's safe to say there is something wrong with my prefrontal cortex...


Well-known member
I just thought I'd mention this... I was siting here experiencing a rare moment of feeling relaxed (body) and I thought to myself; this feels good except for the pressure around my head... than I became depressed because I knew I can't do anything about it. I can't take my brain out and let it stretch it's proverbial legs like it was on a long car ride... I want to break-out the dremel so bad but there's no way that's going to end well...