Feel alright around family?


Well-known member
I don't like much of anyone. Even family.

I don't feel that emotional connection you're supposed to have with family either.


Well-known member
Not me. I feel even more uncomfortable around my family than I do around strangers. The only person I feel comfortable is my mom & sort-of my vocational specialist. I feel more comfortable around her than anyone other than my mom.


Well-known member
I'm all right around my family.
I can't stand being around people I don't know. I get so nervous; I never know what to do with myself and when they talk to me...ugh...I also get that way around people I've known for a long time, but haven't seen in awhile.


Well-known member
i cant even feel fine with family,only with one of my siblings and one of my cousins but he is now growing up and changing which is distancing us as he is becoming more social and getting girls