Fear of not facing things


Well-known member
I fear being put in a situation where someone offends you,doing it to tick you off, but you dont take the right action or endup looking like an idiot..
A friend told me that im short tempered.. So Im seeing that keeping my cool is the best solution but i end up obessed with it & i feel my life is run differently from others because of it..
I dont want to fight with this guy cuz it isnt his intention either but i dont know how to talk my way out of it cuz i dont know what to say or preferably do which makes me look or behave awkwardly in such a situation... I fear that he might get too far which will make me want to beat him up & that will be stupid...


Well-known member
I go through everyday at work worrying that someone is going to say something to insult me.


Well-known member
Almost everyday of my life I think that people around me finds me more or less ugly and prefers if they don't have to either look or talk to me, especially females. I seriously try to avoid mirrors and I try to look elswhere when I walking towards a door with glass and I can see my reflection in it. And alot ever worse is if I'm walking next to some other people at the same time so you see their decent look in the reflection and mine not so decent at the same time. In the bathroom I always have it a little bit dark so I won't notice the real picture of my face. And when I brush my teeth I walk around in the rooms instead of watching myself in the mirror. I do have a few friends and the have never told me anything but I know they think I look below average.


Active member
recluse said:
I go through everyday at work worrying that someone is going to say something to insult me.

Ditto. It's pretty much the most horrifying thing imaginable for some reason. A huge part of my SP is not just embarrassment, but fear of being unable to defend myself, physically and verbally, when I've been insulted. I mean, if you're publicly insulted and can't respond in a way that gives you the upper hand, that just sets course for more insults and a diminished social standing. At work I felt so poorly equipped to deal with that sort of thing...more than anywhere else.


Well-known member
nhen said:
recluse said:
I go through everyday at work worrying that someone is going to say something to insult me.

Ditto. It's pretty much the most horrifying thing imaginable for some reason. A huge part of my SP is not just embarrassment, but fear of being unable to defend myself, physically and verbally, when I've been insulted. I mean, if you're publicly insulted and can't respond in a way that gives you the upper hand, that just sets course for more insults and a diminished social standing. At work I felt so poorly equipped to deal with that sort of thing...more than anywhere else.

totally understand this feeling. i'm a waitress and always feel like all my tables are waiting to verbally attack me.


Haha speakin of the barber, I quit going there a few years ago, realizing I could just shave my own head down to about nothin for free. I must say its been a moneysaver and a stress reliever becuase barbers suck, as well all know.



Well-known member
nhen said:
recluse said:
I go through everyday at work worrying that someone is going to say something to insult me.

Ditto. It's pretty much the most horrifying thing imaginable for some reason. A huge part of my SP is not just embarrassment, but fear of being unable to defend myself, physically and verbally, when I've been insulted. I mean, if you're publicly insulted and can't respond in a way that gives you the upper hand, that just sets course for more insults and a diminished social standing. At work I felt so poorly equipped to deal with that sort of thing...more than anywhere else.

I can relate to this totally. I can rarely come up with a solid comeback towards a verbal abuser. I get fearful that the comeback will sound wrong, be wrong or a even more negative judgement will result.


Well-known member
Zarrix said:
nhen said:
recluse said:
I go through everyday at work worrying that someone is going to say something to insult me.

Ditto. It's pretty much the most horrifying thing imaginable for some reason. A huge part of my SP is not just embarrassment, but fear of being unable to defend myself, physically and verbally, when I've been insulted. I mean, if you're publicly insulted and can't respond in a way that gives you the upper hand, that just sets course for more insults and a diminished social standing. At work I felt so poorly equipped to deal with that sort of thing...more than anywhere else.

I can relate to this totally. I can rarely come up with a solid comeback towards a verbal abuser. I get fearful that the comeback will sound wrong, be wrong or a even more negative judgement will result.

How can i become thick skinned? A lot of people get insulted but they can brush it off. Yesterday at work i was putting on de-odourant spray and my tshirt was lifted up slightly as i was putting the spray on, a workmate said ''Ha HA! BIG FAT BELLY!'' then he asked me ''why do you look so angry for?!'' and i shouted in a rage ''BECAUSE I AM ANGRY!'' and he said that it was only a joke but i am very sensitive to anything to do with my body because i have suffered from anorexia in the past.