

Does anyone else feel like facebook is just a place where everyone elses lives are better than yours? I mean everytime i go on these days i feel inferior, because everyone has great photos, and puts on great stories about things they have done or are doing, and i struggle to come up with a half decent status. Everyone is always out and taking photos, or getting in a relationship, or visiting fantastic places.
For my own peace of mind im seriously considering ditching the whole thing, or would that be total social suicide?
Dont get me wrong im not bitter, and they are technically my friends, but its hard to see what help it is to me to continue seeing it.


Active member
I do agree with you there....if you cant think of anything to put in your atatus, use status shuffle, thats what i do :)


I get exactly where you are coming from because i say to my parents all the time that facebook depresses me.Everybody is always putting new photo's up and having a life that i wish i could have.But on the other hand it can be quite useful because it motivates me to sort myself out.So i would say keep it.


Well-known member
Yeah I ditched facebook for the same reasons. It was hard because most of my friends live really far away, and they don't use email anymore so facebook is really the only way to talk to them. It's totally depressing though, and my wall is completely empty all the time :( I used to feel so bad when I wrote on someone's wall and they never wrote back. That and seeing all of the wall posts my friends would put on each other's walls, it made me feel really left out so I deleted my account.


Yeah facebook can make you feel a bit freaky, sometimes it does seem that everyone is living and I'm just treading water.

I think you have to be true to yourself, even on facebook, the more you try to think of interesting things to put/say the harder it is to find something. But interest is in the eye of the beholder, stuff that is interesting to me is boring to others, so now I just put whatever I feel like and don't think about it.

A lot of the time I go out of my way to put weird stuff in my status updates - random, silly stuff usually - the more inane the better - if people don't get that it's humour, then stuff em! Sometimes I even type in exactly what I think, even if it's just that I'm sick of doing the housework.


Well-known member
I feel it's a place where people talk about their lives as if their lives were actually interesting. Personally, I couldn't be any less interested in the comings and goings of people's social lives, I just think it's dull.


Well-known member
i just joined a few weeks ago and have finally gotten the hang of it. now that i've reached out to ppl i haven't talked to in yrs and we've corresponded a few times, most of them don't bother w/ me anymore. it definitely doesn't help my paranoia to see that they are online using the site, but just haven't bothered to respond to me...

then there's the others who have frickin awesome lives and all the stuff i want in my life (but don't have) so i'm happy for them but jealous also. it just reminds me how i'm stuck in this life and what my dream is, i more than likely won't ever get to have. i had to make stuff up about my life just to make it sound less negative/depressing/dull/stagnant. pathetic. it's like going to ur high school reunion, where everyone's lives are ur dream personified, and ur life is actually a nightmare. damn, i might stop using it too.


Well-known member
Trouble is, part of the appeal of Facebook is that you can, in effect, air-brush your life, so many people look like their living the high life on Facebook/MySpace and it can be depressing to look at, I think.

But I suspect a large chunk of the emo ones are a cry for help.


Well-known member
Exactly! 'Remember, you're not a worthy individual until at least 20 people have had to take a flying leap to avoid a puddle of your sick!'


Well-known member
It's a place where people brag about everything they do, making it seem like they've got a better life than yours.


Well-known member
it has its good and bad points-a lot of what people post on there is shite though-who cares if you've just gone out for some milk. I haven't logged on in weeks-why, because I'm busy getting on with life instead of posting every boring detail of it on facebook

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
Trouble is, part of the appeal of Facebook is that you can, in effect, air-brush your life, so many people look like their living the high life on Facebook/MySpace and it can be depressing to look at, I think.

Great point. Everyone tries really hard to make themselves look cool, but most of what you see is "airbrushed." It's a form of competition like trying to keep up with the neighbors by dropping money on a new flat screen or Beamer. But it's much easier to do this online, so everybody gets in on it.

I guarantee that anyone on this board can go do something fun (concert, etc.), take a bunch of pictures and make a Facebook page that makes other people jealous. If Facebook makes you feel crappy, then dont use it, but realize that most of what you perceive is fabricated.


Yeah I ditched facebook for the same reasons. It was hard because most of my friends live really far away, and they don't use email anymore so facebook is really the only way to talk to them. It's totally depressing though, and my wall is completely empty all the time :( I used to feel so bad when I wrote on someone's wall and they never wrote back. That and seeing all of the wall posts my friends would put on each other's walls, it made me feel really left out so I deleted my account.

Same here - A lot of my friends live far away and have busier lives. I've got about 60 people on my Facebooke, but none of them respond to any of my status updates or photos. I've often written on people's pages asking how they are and never had a reply, even though they've posted on other people's pages etc. Makes me wonder why I bother being nice to people - nobody shows any interest my way. Ever.



Well-known member
Same here - A lot of my friends live far away and have busier lives. I've got about 60 people on my Facebooke, but none of them respond to any of my status updates or photos. I've often written on people's pages asking how they are and never had a reply, even though they've posted on other people's pages etc. Makes me wonder why I bother being nice to people - nobody shows any interest my way. Ever.

wow, that's pretty much the same problem i have w/ the facebook. i tend to send msgs thru the inbox thingy cuz some things just shouldn't be posted on the damn wall... it's been over a week and i'm still waiting on responses from a good 5 ppl. i just wrote a blog about how i'm sick of being nice to ppl and trying to interact despite the social anxiety... i had a status thing a week ago saying i had my first panic attack - no responses! i had another status thing saying something stupid like what i was watching on tv - 2 responses! WTF.

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
wow, that's pretty much the same problem i have w/ the facebook. i tend to send msgs thru the inbox thingy cuz some things just shouldn't be posted on the damn wall... it's been over a week and i'm still waiting on responses from a good 5 ppl. i just wrote a blog about how i'm sick of being nice to ppl and trying to interact despite the social anxiety... i had a status thing a week ago saying i had my first panic attack - no responses! i had another status thing saying something stupid like what i was watching on tv - 2 responses! WTF.

LOL Yeah, that's just how it is. Try posting "Just ate some doritos.... mmmm...." and you'll be flooded with comments.

I personally hate using facebook because it's a massive invasion of privacy. If someone posts something to your wall or puts up a picture of you, all your friends (and probably their friends too) are notified. You can play with the options to limit this a bit, but it's still incredibility invasive no matter what you do. I took all my pictures down after I launched my new website because I don't like the fact that my clients can easily peer into my personal life.

I recommend setting up a page just so people who are phone-phobic have a way to contact you, but try not to get so caught up in the web 2.0 world. The real world is a lot more fun.


Well-known member
wow, that's pretty much the same problem i have w/ the facebook. i tend to send msgs thru the inbox thingy cuz some things just shouldn't be posted on the damn wall... it's been over a week and i'm still waiting on responses from a good 5 ppl. i just wrote a blog about how i'm sick of being nice to ppl and trying to interact despite the social anxiety... i had a status thing a week ago saying i had my first panic attack - no responses! i had another status thing saying something stupid like what i was watching on tv - 2 responses! WTF.

Yep yep. I feel like people use facebook as a giant parade to show everyone their personal life. I've had the same thing happen where I posted something that happened that was important to me and no one replied. Personally I think the whole idea of it is very socially unhealthy. It's like the internet version of high school.


Well-known member
I had a facebook account for a while but i quit. I hate the fact that everyone seems to be on it these days, i mean you get all these people broadcasting their live's for all to see, and it seems to me that it's all a competition for most ''friends'' on their list. I hated the fact that all of the sudden i had assholes who were in school with me wanting to add me as a friend...Wtf! If they didn't want me as a friend in school and treated me like dirt then to hell with them! It's all a popularity contest; Small friends list= looser:mad:


Whenever I feel like punishing myself, I go for a stroll on facebook and check out my old friends. Seems like everyone is some successful something or other. Businesses, wives, kids, friends, etc. etc. Then theres me. Solo, jobless, and stuck. Facebook is to be avoided.