

Well-known member
I had a facebook account for a while but i quit. I hate the fact that everyone seems to be on it these days, i mean you get all these people broadcasting their live's for all to see, and it seems to me that it's all a competition for most ''friends'' on their list. I hated the fact that all of the sudden i had assholes who were in school with me wanting to add me as a friend...Wtf! If they didn't want me as a friend in school and treated me like dirt then to hell with them! It's all a popularity contest; Small friends list= looser:mad:

Ugh I hated that. What was worse was when someone who you didn't know very well wrote on your wall saying hey what's up or whatever, you'd reply and then they'd never write you back again. It's some sort of weird facebook ritual where after you friend someone you have to write some fake thing on their wall.


Well-known member
Facebook's a bloody joke.
That guy up there saying about it being a popularity contest, yeah that's how i see it, a girl from school added me even thou she has never liked me in person and bullied me in 1st year =| !
ppl ave just started to ignore me on there also, so yano why bother anymore.
'Chris is aking a snowman' - infinity comments.
'I am gonna kill meself' - no comments.
And i hate how i'm not noticed. Ack, i don't give anymore tbh.
Meh. xx