Extreme Insecurity...


Well-known member
Is anyone else like insanely insecure?? I feel like such a sorry excuse for a human. And think people are so much better than me. And think I'm truly not likable. And that people will see through this idea they have of me that I am such a "good" person, and realize I am not. And I get anxious feelings because of this.

I don't know how to change this, and I am tired of feeling like less of a person and being so affected by the smallest stupidest shit. ::(:


Well-known member
I feel like this a lot. Rationally I know that's not the case but emotionally, it's hard to shake.

Reading your previous posts, I truly think you're very nice, sensitive and likable with absolutely no reason to feel like a bad person. You just need to remember that and work on believing it :D


Well-known member
It's hard cause I can't see it. And I think others are so much more superior to me. Thank you though. From what I've read of your replies, I think you're a good person too, you give nice input. ::p:


Well-known member
Usually it suffices to appear "competent" - or whatever characteristic is relevant in the given situation. That is, the illusion of "competence" is more important than actual "competence", until you have to prove it. The reason why many incapable people get to high-ranking positions is that they learned to "fake it" convincingly. Eventually they fail, but that's not the point. Someone who can't sell himself will never get anywhere, regardless of any great skills that the person may have.

You can abstract this to pretty much all other situations in life. In particular, if you can make people think that you are a "good" person - or "worthy of friendship", or whatever this is about - you are on the right path. All you have to do now is to prove it - ideally in a situation which facilitates the display of whatever trait of yours you want to make people see.

And I think others are so much more superior to me.
This is probably true. However, no matter how sophisticated you are, there will always be people who are superior to you in some aspect you deem important.


Well-known member
Totally insecure... I have two friends that I will sometimes visit. I buy them things all the time, and give them things so they won't leave me. I buy their friendship, because I don't feel worthy enough that they would like me for just me. I don't know why they like me... I guess I wouldn't want to be my own friend either, because I don't see much value in me unless I am doing something for others. So if I am not doing things for them, or giving them things, I have no other uses... I feel kind of worthless.


Well-known member
>_< It's so sad to feel so shitty about ones self, and then realize that yes you are indeed inferior. wah wah wah. I'm just fed up. :mad:


Well-known member
lol little camper. ::p: I like that. I in fact want my title to be that

Little Camper
Expert User


Well-known member
lol. waved a magical wand ::p:

Kidding. I just imitated the way I saw it, wit a little html ;) If you click on the
button, lol.. or "go to advanced" you can eff around with it. ::p:


Well-known member
im extremely insecure and i kow it. but i havent done anything about it yet. the internet so far is the only place i dont feel insecure.