I see many people,say that their SA,anxiety or shyness is due to bullying,genes,event in their life,trauma or etc.I think its due more to the pace of evolution in which humans are evolving especially in the last 200years,nowadays half of the world are living cramped in the cities with millions of populations,technologies are advancing every day,and for people to fit into this,they have to adapt to thousands of new rules,which only recently came into play.There s almost no such thing as communities left,in most situations you can act or perform only as told,Basically all of us are pushed by someone else,causing us the anxiety or fear,of rejection,loosing a job,or being marked different.Where about,few hound-read years ago every person had to make their own future and could only depend on themselves,and that's why our brains are still using basic instincts,as evolution takes thousand of years to progress,and we are advancing in minutes in our everyday life.
Anyone have other crazy ideas
Anyone have other crazy ideas