Evidence to being a freak of OCD.


Well-known member
this has been going on for a couple of years or so and today my mum came to me and said there are mllions of pegs on top of the shed old and new. She was confused as why the pegs seemed to be disappearing rapidly, and now she knows why. I really couldn't tell her that it was me so I said it must be the possums.

Have something happened to you similar to this?
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Well-known member

people have called me out on ocd habits but nothing funny like that, just more awkward like, "why are you doing it like that?" um... because... i have to.


Haha yeah once my friend noticed me doing my eye thing (i'll feel like I blinked uneven and have to try again until it's even) and he pointed it out in front of a bunch of people we were with and I was just like "uhh I have something in my eye"..but it was really awkward because it was obviously not true lol ugh.
yes, one of my weirder compulsions is to slowly exhale out of my mouth when ever someone burps (almost as if I'm blowing it away) lol. This can be really embarassing at the lunch table at school.