everyone is the same


Well-known member
I can relate immensely. I try to put suicide aside though, it would really be a waste of potential to just off yourself. It's really hard to find someone I can relate though. Probably because I'm so apathetic/indifferent towards pretty much everything. Damn depression...


Well-known member
I definitely agree. I asked this girl on a date(my first date ever), because she seemed to be the most interesting girl I've ever seen. On the first date she was shy and told me she doesn't have many friends; my dreamgirl. After a month we had another date, that time she was strangely more talkative. And now, guess what...she goes out with her friends once or twice a week and left me wondering how she could change so fast from being introverted to being normal. She said that if she would keep being introverted, she would eventually get depressed, that's why she decided to open up. She added like 25 facebook friends over 3 months(she had 50 so that's a lot) I added like 3 since then.


Well-known member
for a lot of people, they go through a stage where they are like omg alcohol and they drink and party and act stupid, some people get out of that stage, some don't.
You're depressed you can't see things clearly.
I have never had a drink in my life. I am 23.
It's hard with sa to want to get to know anyone, but there are people who aren't big partiers. I lived in a dorm- every weekend I would hear the drunken shouts of people walking around on campus, where I was alone in my room on my laptop, which sure was lonely, but that was my choice.
Look at the people who are at the library or come here on a friday night- usually there's a "I'm all alone" thread~ you're not going to see the homebodies because they're well indoors.
I've always felt like I don't fit in- I felt like that when I was in kindergarted in a gymnastics class, in elementary school, in middle school, in jr. high, in high school, every job (all 7) i've ever had, especially in college- don't know where I fit in now... but i don't think i've ever let myself fit in.
just because you haven't found your niche yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!!

Silvox Black

Well-known member
That may be the impression you receive, yet look at those of us on here. Many of us would consider those people you described to be ignorant, petty, and foolish. There are like minded individuals in this world. Their names are written on the profile pages of this forum and countless other sites in the world. Although it is hard to believe when one is surrounded by such fools, I ask you to post your thoughts and look for those here who you can relate to. I assure you that there will be at least one person.


Well-known member
the only person I can ever relate to is myself.
That's what I often feel too. But then I think... do I really need to find someone who's perfect for me? Perfection doesn't exist... The truth is that you can still be very happy and satisfied with people that are different from you, as long as you accept and respect one another.