Everyday Negative Thoughts


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

I have been thinking about my everyday negative thoughts, whereby an distressing experience from the past will pop up, such as a memory of an embarrassing social situation where I might physically react and be momentarily upset with myself. I guess I have become quite accustomed to these thoughts however I am currently going through a cycle of motivation in terms of self development and have been consciously trying not to react negatively to these thoughts when they decide to pop up. I feel as if these thoughts and my negative reaction to them contribute to my general low self esteem.

Does anyone relate?


Well-known member
I can relate. I think about past embarrassing experiences and I am abruptly upset with myself. Other times I'll think of hypothetical negative situations (worse than you can imagine), and play out what it'd be like.

This is something that still gets me, even though I'm a lot happier now than I was months ago.

I guess CBT and retraining your brain to think positively are steps you can take to minimise these.


Well-known member
I certainly do relate. A few situations in particular, and these are decades ago. The memories are starting to dull a bit, and surface less often, however, the situations were all contributors to the anxiety I suffer today.


Well-known member
I find myself involved in various courtroom scenarios, defending myself against my critics. In these scenarios no one will believe I have a mental illness. I stand in the dock accused of being less than human. It really is anxiety, your honour.


Well-known member
Yes, have caught myself doing this lately, its such a waste of brain space :thumbdown:
You got that right! It doesn't depress me as much as it used to, but it can be annoying when I'm in a good mood.

Sorry to hear you're doing it, too. Hopefully we can both train our brains to stop that! :)
My thoughts are negative about 95% of the time.
Pessimism, self-hatred, dwelling over the past, dreading the future, dwelling on my loneliness and pathetic fears.


I am a mess !

Chuck :kickingmyself::crying:


Active member
Must say I have negative feelings and thoughts all the time. Mostly these:
- I will never be able to support myself.
- I will never be happy.
- I will always be alone.
- I will never succeed in anything.

Lately, the loneliness is really kicking my butt. It feels like work to just stay alive until my natural time comes up. I seriously don`t know who I`m living my life for, or why for that matter. I sure as hell don`t enjoy it.

The ONLY thing that keeps me going is that I take pride in my work and see value in it. When it comes to being happy I have to vampire along on my sister, who has her own family. I will never acquire my own happiness.

I mean... its so damn depressing my life will probably always be like this....
More good days now then in the past, but the pain won't go away. Life sucks.


I certainly know what you are going through...No matter how hard I try to be positive, those damn negative thoughts come back again making me feel worthless and pathetic


negative thoughts sometimes I find I can divert into something more lighter, but it's the emotions or feelings that is heavy and unbearable that is hard to control